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text 2020-02-24 09:51
Dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a gastrointestinal disorder that normally affects the large intestine. Typical symptoms include abdominal pain with either diarrhea or constipation, and sometimes alternating between the two conditions. Other names for IBS are the spastic colon and irritable colon disorder. Women are more prone to IBS than men. The first symptoms usually occur in early adulthood. It is estimated anywhere between 9 to 12 Indians are affected by the disorder.  
Very few people experience severe symptoms with IBS. Most people can control the condition with changes in their lifestyle and diet and by managing stress levels.
There are three types of IBS  
  • Constipation-predominant – alternate between constipation with normal stool.
  • Diarrhea- predominant – diarrhea symptoms are experienced first thing in the morning or after a meal.
  • Alternate between diarrhea and constipation.
Abdominal pain is an important symptom of irritable bowel syndrome. It is accompanied by changing bowel habits. Symptoms are not constant and can change over a period.  
  • Abdominal pain or cramps.
  • Diarrhea or constipation – sometimes occur alternating phases.
  • Bloating and passing excessive gas
  • Mucus in the stool.
  • Feeling that the bowel is not completely empty after motion.
You need a book a doctor in Patna if there is constant change in your bowel movement or show any other symptom of IBS. These symptoms may indicate a more serious condition such as colon cancer.
Doctors and researchers do not know the cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not known. Ziffytech is a platform where you can find a doctor and also you can book the best Urologist in Patna.
Genetics and past life experience may play a role in the disorder. You may show the symptoms of IBS because of colon motility (muscle contractions) and increased sensitivity to food. Factors which may play a role in the irritable colon disorder are:-
  • Infection – A case of gastroenteritis may cause IBS, even after the infection has cured.
  • Food intolerance – Food intolerance or allergies may trigger IBS. This may be due to poor absorption of sugar lactose is commonly activates the condition.
General diet – Low fiber diet can increase constipation in IBS patients. 
  • Sometimes high spice or sugar levels can cause problems.
  • Emotional stress can affect the nerves of the bowel in some people.
  • Medication – certain medications (antibiotics, antacids, and painkillers) can cause diarrhea or constipation.
  • Hormones – Women get affected by IBS more than men. Symptoms can worsen during menstruation.
The best doctor in Patna will review your medical history, conduct an in-depth physical exam. If you have diarrhea with IBS the doctor near me may want to rule out gluten intolerance. The best physicians in Patna may use the following tests to diagnose the condition:-
  • Rome Criteria includes abdominal pain and discomfort lasting for at least one day a week for at least three months. The criteria are associated with the following symptoms:-
  • Pain relieved after defecation
  • Pain linked with an increase or decrease in stool frequency
  • The consistency of the stool is either hard or soft.
  • Manning Criteria focuses on the pain relieved by passing stool, inconsistent stool, mucus in stool, and incomplete bowel movement.
The best physicians in Patna look for symptoms and signs which are considered as red flags or alarm signs
  • Anemia
  • Blood in stool
  • Inexplicable weight loss
  • Fever
  • Family history of Celiac disease or colon cancer.
These signs and symptoms may indicate some other news. The physician near me may order imaging tests such as flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and X-ray or CT scans. Ziffytech provides blood tests at home at a very affordable price.
They may order the following laboratory tests:-
  • Lactose intolerance tests
  • Breath analysis for bacteria overgrowth
  • Upper endoscopy
  • Stool tests
There is no treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. The best doctors in Patna aim to relieve symptoms. They may suggest lifestyle changes. The doctor will help you identify and avoid triggers. 
Treatment may include
  • Increase the fiber content in your diet.
  • Reduce or eliminate gas-producing food
  • Reduce or eliminate dairy food.
Medication to improve symptoms such as antidiarrhea medications, pain-relieving medication, constipation relieving medication, and antispasmodic medication to ease cramping.
The best doctors in Patna will tell you to avoid stress and try to establish a routine for your meals.
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text 2020-02-18 07:13
What is IUI?


IUI or Intrauterine insemination is a fertility treatment where sperms are placed inside a women’s uterus when she is ovulating. Natural conception takes place when the sperm travels to the uterus and reaches the fallopian tubes through the vagina and cervix. The IUI aims to increase the number of sperms reaching the fallopian tubes increasing the probability of fertilization.
Why is IUI done?
IUI is a less expensive and invasive procedure that other fertility procedures such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Some couples try to IUI procedure before proceeding to IVF. Intrauterine insemination is performed using your husband’s sperm or donor sperm.
IUI is used when: –
  • It is used to treat unexplained fertility.
  • Abnormalities in the cervical mucus or cervical canal. Cervical scar tissues from previous procedures preventing sperms from entering the uterus.
  • Mild endometriosis is often treated by obtaining a good quality egg along with performing IUI.
  • Women who cannot produce eggs or produce few eggs.
  • Mild male infertility or low sperm count.
  • Ejaculation dysfunction. 
  • Semen allergy is very rare, but some women are allergic to their partner’s semen. IUI procedure can remove proteins from the semen causing the allergy.
How is the procedure done?
  • Before intrauterine insemination, the best gynecologist in Patna will prescribe fertility medication to help your eggs mature and be ready to be fertilized. A lot of careful coordination is involved in the procedure to be successful.
  • The collected semen sample is collected. This sample is washed to separate seminal fluid and lower quality sperm will be washed away. The highly concentrated sample of healthy sperm increases the likelihood of pregnancy.
  • Monitoring ovulation is a critical part of the procedure. The best gynecologist may ask you to monitor the at-home predictor kit to monitor the release and surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) or use an ultrasound to visualize ovulation. You may be given medication or injections to increase the number of eggs for ovulation.
The IUI procedure is done a day or two after ovulation. The procedure takes 15 to 20 minutes and is not very invasive or painful. A catheter is used to insert the semen into the uterus. The process ensures many sperms are placed into the uterus. Intrauterine insemination places many sperms in the uterus increasing the chance of conception.
Intrauterine insemination the Catheter is removed after the procedure.   
After the procedure, you will be asked to rest for some time before resuming your daily activities.
Ziffytech is a platform where you can find the best pediatrician in Patna and you can book an appointment immediately.
What are the risks of the procedure?
Intrauterine insemination is a simple and safe procedure. There is a risk of multiple pregnancies especially if the gynecologist near me has prescribed fertility medication. Other risks include infection from the procedure. Sometimes the placement of the catheter in the uterus during the procedure can cause vaginal bleeding. Your pregnancy is generally not affected by bleeding.
Does IUI work?
The success of intrauterine insemination depends on several factors such as female age, health, the reason for infertility, and if fertility drugs were used. If insemination is done every month success rate can increase by 20%.
Ziffytech provides a service like a blood test at home in Patna at a very affordable price.
IUI is less expensive when compared to IVF but also has a lower chance of success. Your gynecologist near me will be in the best position to help you chose your options.
IUI may not work if the man produces insufficient sperms or the sperm has many abnormalities. Women with fallopian tube disease, moderate to acute endometritis or a history of pelvic infection may have trouble conceiving using this method.
You usually take a home pregnancy test two weeks after the procedure. Your gynecologist will take a blood test two weeks after the procedure which is more accurate than a home pregnancy test.
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text 2020-02-04 06:39
Everything you want to know about Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a mild infectious viral disease affecting young children. The viral infection is usually caused by the Coxsackie virus. The virus spreads from person to person through direct contact. The disease can be identified by blisters or sores in the mouth and hives on the hands and feet. Hand, foot, and mouth disease can affect people of all ages but generally affect children under 5.
Hand, foot, and mouth disease may cause some or all of the following signs-
  • Fever
  • Sore throat with a runny nose
  • Lack of appetite
  • Painful red eruptions or blistering inside the mouth, tongue, and gums.
  • Red rash on the hands and soles of the feet and occasionally on the buttocks.  These rashes may cause blistering. The rash is tender or sore when pressed.
  • Fretfulness in babies and toddlers.
A fever is usually the first sign of hand, foot, and mouth disease. The other symptoms like the typical rash associated with the disease are seen one or two days after the fever.
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a minor childhood illness. You need to book a pediatrician in Patna if your child has a mouth sore or a sore throat and is unable to drink fluids or if their symptoms worsen.
Ziffytech is a platform where you can find a doctor as per your requirement and you can also book best gynecologist in Patna, if doctor suggest some diagnostic test then you can book blood test at home with very affordable price.
Hand, foot, and mouth disease are caused by viruses. The viruses are  –  Coxsackie virus the most common and enteroviruses.  Hand, foot, and mouth disease is contagious and the virus can pass from one child to another, when an infected person coughs or sneezes, and touching contaminated things. The virus can spread through
  • Salvia
  • Stool
  • Fluids come out from blister or scabs
  • Nasal discharge.
Children are most contagious in the first week when they are sick.  Hand, foot, and mouth disease is common in crèches and playschools. Adults can pass on the virus without showing any symptoms.
The best pediatrician in Patna usually diagnoses hand, foot, and mouth disease during your child’s physical exam. They will check the child’s mouth for blisters and their hands and feet for rash. The pediatrician near me will ask the parent about the other symptoms the child is experiencing.
The best pediatrician in Patna may take a throat swab or ask for a stool test to diagnose which virus is causing the infection.
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a viral infection and does not respond to antibiotics. Most children get better within a week without any problems or side effects. The best pediatrician in Patna try to help to relieve the symptoms the child is experiencing
  • Over the counter creams or ointment to help with the rash.
  • Medicines to help with the fever and sore throat.
  • Topical oral anesthetics to help with the mouth ulcers.
It is important to keep your child hydrated when they have the hand, foot, and mouth diseases. Infants may be given milk formulas or fluids to replenish electrolytes. Certain foods and drinks may be difficult to eat in this period. You should avoid feeding your child spicy, salty or acidic food. Soft food that can be swallowed easily to eat will help. Drinks such as milk may be soothing. Gargling with salt water may help with the swelling of mouth and throat caused due to hand, foot, and mouth disease.
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text 2020-01-28 06:35
Symptoms and treatment of Kidney Stones


Kidney stones are hard mineral and salt deposits made inside your kidneys. Kidney stones usually begin in your kidney but can form anywhere in your urinary tract. Your urinary tract consists of: –
  • Kidney
  • Ureters
  • Urethras
  • bladder
Passing kidney stones can be very painful. Kidney stones generally do not cause permanent damage. Often pain medication and drinking lots of water help to pass the kidney stone. 
Types of kidney stones
  • Calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stones. These stones are generally made of calcium and oxicate or calcium and phosphate. 
  • Uric stones are more common in men. They develop when your urine is acidic. 
  • Struvite stones can be caused due to an infection causing ammonia levels to increase in your urine. 
  • Cystine stones are made of cystine a naturally occurring chemical occurring in our bodies. These stones occur very rarely and are caused due to a genetic disorder. 
If your kidney stone is small, it will pass easily through your urinary tract without any discomfort or pain. If you have larger kidney stones you may experience these symptoms: –
  • Pain during urination
  • Blood in your urine
  • Acute pain in the lower back or stomach
  • Nausea and vomiting. 
You should book a doctor in Patna if you have these symptoms. 
The exact cause of kidney stones is not known. Men are more likely to get kidney stones. Kidney stones form when your urine contains crystal-forming substances such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. You are at higher risk of getting kidney stones if:-
  • Low urine volume can be caused due to dehydration. Dehydration can be caused due to physical work, hot and humid weather conditions, and not drinking enough water. Concentrated urine prevents salts from dissolving in the fluid. 
  • Diet can increase the risk of kidney stones. Calcium stones are caused due to high calcium levels in the urine. Higher calcium levels in urine can be because of the way our bodies handle calcium. A high protein diet and too much salt increase the chances of kidney stones.
  • Obesity increases the risk of kidney stones.
  • Medical conditions such as abnormal growth in your thyroid gland, gout, and renal tubular acidosis can increase the chances of kidney stones.
  • Bowel condition like diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, or gastric bypass surgeries increases the risk of kidney stones. 
  • Some medication and calcium and Vitamin C supplements increase the risk of kidney stones. 
The best urologist in Patna suspects you have a kidney stone they may order the following tests:-
  • Blood tests at home to check the level of uric acid and calcium in the blood. 
  • Urinalysis to examine the number of crystals, bacteria, blood, and white cells in your urine.
  • Imaging tests such as X-rays, USG or CT scan. 
  • Analyzing the stone passed. 
The treatment recommended by the best urologist in Patna depends on the size, location, and type of kidney stone. Smaller stones do not require any invasive treatment. Drinking plenty of water and pain- killers help to flush the stone from your body.
Larger stones that cannot pass on their own may be treated by
  • Sound waves or extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is used to break up the stone depending on its location and help it pass during urination.
  • Ureteroscopy is used to remove stones from your kidney or urethrae. The instrument is a tube equipped with a camera, once the stone is located the stone is either grabbed or broken into smaller pieces with the help of special tools.
  • A surgery called Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is used to remove a large stone from the kidney using a special instrument. It is used when the stone is too large to pass on its own.
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