Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White, is about a little girl named Fern who saves the "runt" pig that her dad wants to get rid of. She raises the pig, and names him Wilbur. Wilbur is moved into the barn and begins to make friends with a spider named Charlotte. They go through many trials and tribulations as such strange friends. Eventually Charlotte dies, but leaves behind children. This is a great story to use for grades third through fifth where they can learn how to cope with death and the way of life. You can use this book as a whole group reading book where you assign certain amounts of chapters a week, and we discuss them later in class with incorporating multiple activities. You can also incorporate science by using it as a life cycle lesson, or even a lesson on spiders life spans. It would be a great book to keep them engaged and excited about reading. You could even incorporate poetry by having a themed poem sheet in the shape of a web, spider, or even a pig. You could do many different kinds of poetry lessons using this book and it's characters, setting, and theme. I would use this book for grades third through fifth.