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review 2020-06-03 12:31
The Last Refuge of the Knights Templar
The Last Refuge of the Knights Templar - William F. Mann

by William F. Mann


This was totally different from what I expected. I have a historical interest in the Knights Templar, who were disbanded and mostly executed in 1309. I didn't know that the Freemasons had adopted the name for their own organisation, although I've seen other modern groups do the same.


This story is set in American Civil War times and centered on a historical figure called Albert Pike, who was a general in the Confederate army and a Freemason.


The writing was reasonably good, apart from some of the dialogue, but this just isn't an area of interest for me. I feel the book is mis-titled, though I should have read the description more closely. The first few lines supported the impression that it would actually be about the Knights Templar from the title.


If someone wants to read about Civil War Confederacy and Freemasonry of the time, this should appeal. The connections to the Templars are certainly pure fiction though.

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review 2016-03-14 00:00
A Confederacy of Dunces
A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole I did not like this book at all.
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review 2016-02-28 00:00
A Confederacy of Dunces
A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole I read this book to fulfill a requirement for a reading challenge. I would have DNF'd it if I hadn't needed to complete it for the challenge. It wasn't for me at all. I heard it was laugh out loud funny, but I don't remember even cracking a smile. I got so tired of hearing about his valve. ¡Dios mío! The bottom line is that he is very intelligent, gross and weird.
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review 2016-02-04 17:48
Sisters of The Confederacy
Sisters of the Confederacy (Secret Refuge, Book 2) - Lauraine Snelling

I had a difficult time finishing Sisters of the Confederacy; not because it was badly written but because of the subject matter which became rather monotonous along the way. And without any romance to smooth things over........ *sigh* But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. I got hooked in Lauraine Snelling's A Secret Refuge series when I accidentally stumbled upon book 1, Daughter of Twin Oaks, which is now a freebie. The story narrates the arduous journey of Jesselyn Highwood, from her home Twin Oaks to different parts of Civil war-torn America, in search of safer grounds.

In book 1, Jesselyn, masquerading as a boy, was journeying with 3 of her freedmen, a freedwoman and her youngest brother, barely 3 yrs. old Thaddeus. Being the eldest daughter of plantation owner Joshua Highwood, who died of war injury, left Jesselyn with loads of responsibility on her 18yrs. old shoulders. Her mother Miriam had already passed away giving birth to Thaddeus some times before that. The wretched war took Adam, her eldest brother, the next Zachary being MIA for sometimes. Their biggest pride and joy were the thoroughbreds they reared in their stud farm, for which Twin Oaks was famous in the area. Joshua wanted his horses safe from the marauding army and Jesselyn had to take them somewhere safer, far away from Twin Oaks.

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review 2015-11-30 14:22
A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole

- Ignatius fait des bouchées au fromage délicieuses, dit Mme Reilly.
- C'est rudement chic de sa part, dit le vieil homme. Y en a tant qui pensent qu'à courir de nos jours.
- Et si vous la fermiez, vous, enjoignit le policier au vieil homme.

Magasins Abelman
Kansas City, Missouri
M. 1 Abelman, PDG et quasi-mongolien,

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Mais alors, pourquoi, pourquoi? direz-vous dans votre babil irresponsable, incapable que vous êtes d'assimiler les concepts les plus stimulants du commerce moderne à votre vision du monde retardataire et dégénérée.
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Agréez, Monsieur, nos coléreuses salutations.

Gus Levy, président.

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