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url 2016-02-12 17:52
New Romance from C.M. Steele
Mrs. Valentine: A Cupid's Arrow, Inc. Novella - C.M. Steele
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review 2015-03-06 17:39
Die unendliche Nacht der Cupids
Cupid. Unendliche Nacht (Die Niemandsland-Trilogie, Band 2) - Sarah Wedler,Nadine d'Arachart

Auch in diesem Band war ich wieder sehr beeindruckt vom Einfallsreichtum der Autorinnen. Ihre Welt ist so unglaublich dicht und lebendig und detailliert und außergewöhnlich... Wobei es oft keine *schöne* Welt ist, sondern eine perverse, selbstsüchtige, in der zum Beispiel Menschen mit Geisteskrankheiten vor zahlendem Publikum vorgeführt werden wie dressierte Tiere.


Umso mehr packte mich die Geschichte, denn ich wollte unbedingt, dass unsere Helden diese Welt zu einer besseren machen! Die Geschehnisse werden immer verwickelter und vielschichtiger und bleiben dabei rasant und spannend.


Jo war mir in diesem Band auch wieder sehr sympathisch - nur war sie mir manchmal ein wenig *zu* selbstlos. Ich hatte öfter das Bedürfnis, sie kräftig zu schütteln und sie anzuschreien: Denk auch mal an dich selbst, um Gottes willen! Aber natürlich macht es Sinn, dass sie sich so kompromisslos aufopfert, schließlich ist ihr genau diese Einstellung in der Wächterschule regelrecht antrainiert worden.


Es ist jedoch nicht so, als würde sie sich nicht weiterentwickeln! Langsam aber sicher entdeckt sie, wer sie eigentlich unter all dieser Gehirnwäsche ist, und ich fand es sehr spannend, ihr dabei zuzugucken.


Mein absoluter Lieblingscharakter ist inzwischen Skinner, denn er ist komplex und immer wieder für eine Überraschung gut. So sarkastisch, bitter und arrogant er auch manchmal wirkt, man merkt immer deutlicher, dass dahinter ein zutiefst verwundeter Mensch steckt. Die Freundschaft, die sich zwischen ihm und Jo entwickelt, ist einfach rührend, und er trägt viel dazu bei, dass sie beginnt, die Dinge zu hinterfragen. Die beiden haben eine irrsinnige Chemie, wobei ich das nicht im romantischen Sinne meine.


>>Skinners Worte erzeugen einen Film in meinem Kopf. Ich sehe einen blassen kleinen Jungen, allein in der Wildnis, allein in einem Verlies, immer und immer allein.


...ich spüre Skinners Hände auf meinem Rücken, seinen sich hebenden und senkenden Brustkorb ganz nah an meinem.
"Du bist kein schlechter Mensch", sage ich leise.
"Nein", antwortet er dicht an meinem Ohr. "Ich bin überhaupt kein Mensch."<<


Cy blieb für mich ein wenig blass, aber auch Patience blüht als Persönlichkeit so richtig auf. Mir gefiel, wie absolut ihr Mitgefühl ist - Cupid, Wächter, Industrieller, das interessiert sie alles nicht; wenn jemand Hilfe braucht, tut sie ihr Bestes.


Auch und gerade die Cupids gewinnen in diesem Band viel an Tiefe, denn man erfährt mehr darüber, woher sie kommen und warum sie so sind, wie sie sind. Und das ist eine so tragische Geschichte, dass man trotz allem Mitgefühl mit ihnen empfinden muss!


Der Schreibstil ist wieder großartig und bildgewaltig, und dabei flüssig und unterhaltsam zu lesen.


Eine gelungene Fortsetzung! Die Charaktere werden immer vielschichtiger und bleiben dabei glaubhaft, die Geschichte ist voller unerwarteter Wendungen, und die Autorinnen hauchen ihrer beeindruckenden Welt mit originellen Bildern immer wieder echtes Leben ein.

Source: mikkaliest.blogspot.de/2015/03/cupid-unendliche-nacht-niemandsland-2.html
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review 2015-01-14 18:10
Love With a Perfect Cowboy - Lori Wilde (Avon - June 2014)
Love With a Perfect Cowboy: A Cupid, Texas Novel - Lori Wilde

Series: Cupid Texas (Book 4)

Melody Spencer had long-ago wiped the dust of Cupid, Texas, off her cute shoes . . . and done her best to forget the chiseled jaw and strong arms of cowboy Luke Spencer. Their families might be part of a long-time feud, but he was her very first love, even if it turned out they never wanted the same things.


But now Luke's come striding back into her life, tempting her with the memories of long, lazy evenings and hot, passionate kisses. And he has an ulterior motive -- as Mayor of Cupid, he knows Melody's business savvy can help save their beloved hometown. His smooth talking might get her to Texas, but that doesn't mean he'll get her in his bed. Still, people do say love can be more perfect the second time around . . .


Excellent conclusion to the Cupid, Texas series. In this one Cupid really has his work cut out for him. Fifteen years earlier Luke and Melody had snuck around behind their families' backs and enjoyed being young and in love. But tragedy followed when they were discovered, and the feud got even worse. Melody had gotten to the point where she couldn't wait to get away from Cupid and all the memories. Meanwhile, Luke was happiest where his roots went deep.


Now the town of Cupid is in trouble, thanks to the drought drying up the tourist trade. Luke is desperate for help to save the town and thinks that big city advertising exec Melody is just the person to help. All he needs to do is convince her to come home. So he heads off to New York to do his best.


Melody has been living the good life in the city. She has a job she likes and no one getting into her business. She has the feeling she has nowhere to go but up, as she's been putting in long hours hoping for a promotion. She hasn't thought (much) about Luke in the years she's been gone, until she spots him on her way into work. Avoiding him isn't easy, but she manages, and gets to work in time to be called to her boss's office. Thinking she's about to get the good news she's been hoping for, she's stunned to find out she's being fired instead - for being too honest, of all things. After spending some quiet time trying to think of her options, she heads for the apartment she shares with her boyfriend, only to discover that he's evicted her and left the country. Into this disaster of a day comes Luke, picking her up and taking her back to his hotel to recover.


That night, Luke and Melody discover that they are still wildly attracted to each other. Taking advantage of being away from Texas, they indulge in a night together knowing that nothing more can come of it. With nothing keeping her in New York, Melody goes to Cupid to see what she can do to help.


Some things never change and the feud is alive and well. Melody and Luke would like to spend time together, but their families would have a conniption. Both of them are disgusted with the whole thing, but each has a different idea on how to deal with it. Having stayed in Cupid, Luke has gotten very good at keeping a lid on everything. He believes that stirring things up will only create more trouble. Since he's sure that Melody would never stay in Texas, he can't see creating havoc for something that won't last. Melody, on the other hand, feels that nothing will change until the whole feud is brought out into the light where everyone can see just how stupid it is. She has some ideas on how to do it, and help the town at the same time, but Luke forbids it. When she takes matters into her own hands, it's sometimes hard to tell if it's working or not.


Luke and Melody manage to find ways to spend time together, and even though they claim it's just for sex, it's obvious that they are falling for each other all over again. But until they can get their families to give up on the grudges of the past, things look pretty hopeless for them. It takes Melody doing what she feels is the right thing, even against Luke's wishes, to get the ball rolling, and a near tragedy for the families to finally see the light.


There were quite a few fun moments, including the bachelor auction, where Luke gets purchased by the last person he'd ever want to get stuck with. There were also the sad times, such as Melody's first sight of Cupid under its drought conditions. And then there was the truly heartbreaking, when Melody put her love out there for everyone to see and Luke wouldn't even give her a chance. Fortunately, Cupid's streak remains unbroken and they get their happy ending after all.

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url 2014-10-14 11:18
Zilpha Keatley Snyder, Author of Eerie Children’s Tales, Dies at 87
The Egypt Game - Zilpha Keatley Snyder
The Witches of Worm - Zilpha Keatley Snyder,Alton Raible
The Headless Cupid - Zilpha Keatley Snyder,Alton Raible
The Changeling - Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Black and Blue Magic - Zilpha Keatley Snyder,Gene Holtan
The Velvet Room - Zilpha Keatley Snyder,Alton Raible
The Gypsy Game - Zilpha Keatley Snyder
The Bronze Pen - Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Below the Root - Zilpha Keatley Snyder

Growing up Zilpha Keatley Snyder was one of my favorite authors.


NY Times Article Link

Source: jaylia3.booklikes.com/post/1011503/zilpha-keatley-snyder-author-of-eerie-children-s-tales-dies-at-87
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url 2014-08-09 13:58
Free Today on Amazon
Love at First Sight: A Cupid, Texas Novel - Lori Wilde
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