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text 2015-02-03 01:04
I'm a Hoarder....of ebooks!

Still there hasn't been much reading but for the last 2.5 days I have been feverishly deleting unwanted kindle ebooks. I'm ashamed and have lived in silence of my kindle library. I have not only spent ridiculous amounts on ebooks but have hoarded/collected ridiculous amounts of free and cheap books as well. I won't tell the number but as of right now over 2,000 have been deleted. 


Note... I have a vast amount of regular price books that add up to $... Well, I don't dare say.


You may be wondering how this could have happened. Well, it all started in 2011/2012 when free and really cheap books were a plenty. There were tons of paranormal and children books for free and I just had to get them all for my nieces and nephews, right? Now looking back on my crazy, I think it was the hunt that I loved. The hunt for free and cheap books. 


I've known for quite some time that those books needed to go. I also knew that deleting one book at a time just wouldn't do for my overwhelming library. Thank goodness some time last year Amazon listened to their kindlers and fixed the ebook deleting function. I was super happy. 2015  is the year to clean up and clear out. I may be behind already in my 2015 challenge but I'm clearing my mind of unnecessary worries and anxieties. 


There it is friends my kindle library hoarding story of shame.

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text 2014-10-30 23:33
Your Halloween Eve story

He dug up dozens of little girl corpses and dressed them up as dolls




I once again state that real life occurrences are scarier than any fiction.

Looking at the pictures posted in the story is not for the faint of heart.

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review 2013-08-05 00:00
Deleting GOD
Deleting God - Nicholas Maze What I didn't like. There wasn't anything I didn't like. This is a simple book for anyone standing at crossroads of their Christian faith or for anyone who has questions about their religion.

Did you find that the cover and title represented what the story was really about? We received two different covers, and I liked the first one better than the second. The first one was a blackboard with white chalk on it and I liked the idea that people think they can "delete" God by wiping him out of their lives.

What did you think of the structure? I liked it. It flowed from one section to another without any jarring breaks and it was easy to understand. The book covers the topic for those who are just starting out to those who think they are Christianity "experts".

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.
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review 2013-08-05 00:00
Deleting GOD
Deleting God - Nicholas Maze If you were to talk with the author, what would you want to know? What inspired him to write such a book. Was it a particular incident or person that had triggered the groundwork for this book?

If you could rewrite the ending, would you? I wouldn't. I especially liked the list of phonetics he provided at the end. Anyone who has read the Old Testament is bound to find this list absolutely helpful

Cover. I would have liked it more if it had a bit of colour and if it weren't focused so much on the author. Not that it wasn't professional but it's just my opinion.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.
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review 2013-08-05 00:00
Deleting GOD
Deleting God - Nicholas Maze What have you read that is similar to this book? Not a book, but there have been quite a few articles that stress on the importance of not cluttering our lives with social and white noise. In some ways, this book also focused on that.

What are some of the major themes of this book? Prioritizing what is important in your life and not to follow the the crowd.

What do you think the author was trying to accomplish with this novel? He wanted to share his experiences and views on Christianity nowadays.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.
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