Different to what I normally read but Going Viral is a book I was able to get on with easily. This book gives the reader a good insight into the realms of book publishing. Although I think it is more likely a ‘How NOT to promote a book’. The book also shows very well the impact of our Internet culture, on how what we see cannot always be believed and the negative impact it can have on a young person.
Chaz D is a great character to illustrate that last point, Dustin has written him extremely well, he is well thought out and developed throughout the book. I can’t say I would like Chaz if I where to meet him, but then I guess that was the point of the book.
On a negative note: I found some of Chaz’s antics a little OTT and found him almost impossible to connect with, I really didn’t find some of it very believable.
I think this book is great for someone who loves to get their teeth into a good thriller, I might even consider it as something to show our tweens the negative side of out online world. Enjoy.
NB I received this book free for an Honest review