If you haven't read the complete Songs of Submission series, you need to as Coda is the Final in the series. This will contain spoilers for the other books in the series.
Grab the Complete Submission Series HERE
I don't know, but I will try.
You see, Christine is one of those very rare authors who doesn't just write a book for you to read, she gives you a family, a book boyfriend/girlfriend, or in my case, a book hubby (BH's are reserved for extra special loves that forever live in your heart), the best of friends and a world where you don't want to leave.
So, from the bottom of my heart, I just want to say,
Thank you for the most epic world, Christine.And for my Book Hubby Jonathan(and Capo, can't forget him ;) )
Jonathan and Monica, as well as the other Drazen's and their partners, aren't just characters on paper (or screen) they are living people. Every emotion is real, it's felt. Their pain shreds Our hearts while you are reading and before you know it, you're ugly crying while cuddling up to your fav pillow (or in my case, my poor dog lol)
The sex ... It's ridiculously hot! Don't bother with panties, it's not worth it.
From the beginning we have seen it all, witnessed the chasing, their lust grow to love, the hurdles they conquered together, losses, self-discovery, highs, lows and everything in between.
Now, it's time these two get their Happily Ever After.
Sequoia Hospital has taken more than just Jonathan's old heart, It's taken a part of them both.
Her strong, fiercely protective, dominating King has lost his voice, stern hand, and his confidence in himself.
His mouthy, obedient, carefree Goddess is no longer, she's lost her love.
Coming back from death with a strangers heart has changed Jonathan. He can't seem to shake the mistrust and fear that he has of his new heart, of his borrowed time. So he treads carefully and far more gently then he or Monica is use to, throwing the dynamics out of whack.
Monica is on auto-pilot since returning home with her husband.
She no longer feels the comfort and security that his Dominance brings her which has led her to more of a caregivers position. She's taken it upon herself to make sure he is doing everything he needs from his medication and diet to his shit-shakes and exercise.
Jonathan wants a legacy to leave behind. His sudden desire for children has thrown Monica. She wants tiny red-haired Drazen's, but with the reality of them being without their father weighs heavy on her heart.
His time is limited.
She is petrified of the things she will do to keep him with her.
He is petrified of leaving her alone.
Their fear is crippling them, and their marriage is barely surviving.
Coda will take you on a journey to get these two reclaiming themselves and getting back to each other.
Through their heartache, crippling fear, gut wrenching sorrow, we watch them come through it all, bringing them out the other side, showing you just how much magic true love really has.
The King and His Goddess .... Will they survive to live Happily Ever After?