And so the saga of General Tamas et al draws to a close and our tale gets a highly satisfactory ending. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this trilogy and what was my introduction to what they call the Flintlock Fantasy sub-genre.
There were so many plotlines that had to come together and that we needed to get answers to, and I think that the author managed to do all of that successfully - at least to my satisfaction. :) Yeah, there were a few small questions that I would have preferred have better answers or maybe more involved answers, but they were few and far between.
I loved the characters and had so many favourites. But I think Taniel Two-Shot was my #1 favourite with Bo, his best friend, being a close second and I was quite happy with the way their stories panned out.
I'm not really a fan of short stories or even novellas, but I will say this - I will be looking up the many stories and novellas that the author has written about these characters. And I will be reading his newest trilogy, set in the same world.
Anyway, if you like Djano Wexler or Brian Stavely or even Bernard Cornwell's "Sharpe" books, you'll enjoy this author.
Oh... and the covers of all three books are TERRIFIC!