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text 2013-08-27 19:47
Catwoman in the mail! ^,.,^
The Conscious Catwoman Explains Life On Earth - Julie Newmar

MYSTERY brown package fr 'J. Newmar'. My friend J. joked, "You got mail from Julie Newmar". I said, "That really is Julie Newmar!" Tee hee! ^,.,^ Got my copy of 'The Conscious Catwoman' http://julienewmar.com/book/


And as I thumb through this, she's lots of photographs! <3 I love her wisdom, and it's a comfort reading her philosophy on life.

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text 2013-07-21 02:24
Krypton Radio, Tonight!
RISEN (Dark Victorian, Vol. 1) - Elizabeth Watasin
The Dark Victorian: Bones - Elizabeth Watasin

STEAM POWERED Cabaret, 2 hrs of steampunk music deejay'ed by Willow Leafstorm is currently playing, but right after at 9pm Pacific it will be EVENT HORIZON, and I'll be appearing with hosts Gene Turnbow and Susan Fox!




Welcome to the the Event Horizon, an on-air science fiction, fantasy and technology discussion panel produced each week by Krypton Radio.


We'll be discussing all things Dark Victorian and speculative Victorian. No spoilers, I think. :-o So give it a listen and add Krypton Radio to your go-to online radio. Sci Fi for your Wi-Fi!




Think of The Event Horizon as a rolling convention panel with special guests and speakers each week – except without the convention. The show features science fiction and fantasy writers, publishers, artists,  filmmakers, fan guests and creative people from all over the science fiction and comics creative spectrum.


See you there!

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text 2013-07-17 04:21
Me on Event Horizon, Krypton Radio, this Saturday:
The Dark Victorian: Risen Volume One - Elizabeth Watasin
The Dark Victorian: Bones - Elizabeth Watasin
INTERVIEW: My Thanks to Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow of Event Horizon on Krypton Radio!
SCI FI for your WI FI. We had a great time discussing my Dark Victorian series, Artifice and Jim Dastard, many things speculative Victorian and of course, story aspects.
Will air THIS SAT, 9pm Pacific! Listen to Event Horizon! (Right after STeam Powered Cabaret!). Thanks again, Krypton!

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review 2013-05-23 09:52
Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture
Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture - Stephen H. Segal,N.K. Jemisin,Eric San Juan,Genevieve Valentine,Zaki Hasan

I have to talk a little about the design of this book! It’s freaking awesome!


The cover is black with yellow accents, look a little closer and we get these shiny outlines of tetris blocks, Slimer from the Ghostbusters, Homer Simpson and many more cool geeky icons. Take off the dust jacket and yowzers, it gets even better! A bright yellow hardcover with GEEK slapped across the front, this is my kinda book!

I love the way Quirk design their books, and if you’re anything like me, who likes to display books, this one can’t be missed!

What is Geek Wisdom? It’s 223 pages full of awesome, really! If you’re a little nerdy, or have an interest in pop culture, film, games or quotes then this book is for you! Maybe you have a friend with a birthday coming up, not sure what to get them, they’ll love this! This would also make a cool stocking filler or an excellent coffee table book. Geek Wisdom is a book that wants to be shared on a movie night with friends or laugh with it over a few beers. I absolutely loved this book, and so did everyone who I showed it to, quite a few of those people will be finding this in their Christmas stocking this year.

The book is split into sections, for example : wisdom about humankind. Under each section you’ll find a quote, followed by a passage of how it can be translated into every day life and what that quote means on a larger scale, sometimes very funny, other times more profound.

"You’re a vampire. Oh, I’m sorry. Was that an offensive term? Should I say undead American?"


"Like Buffy, we’ve all caught ourselves on occasion saying snide, harmful things to the ones we love~ mainly even mocking or spurning something that matters profoundly to them. Yet beneath that moment of nastiness, Buffy can’t forget that she found it in her heart to recognize and love Angel’s damaged humanity in the first place. There’s a lesson here for all of us: If you’re going to breach the line of decorum do it with someone you can trust to accept your apology later."


There are lots of little illustrations that add personality to this little book. I loved the quotes that were featured, a lot of them took me back to the time where I first heard it. It bought back memories of my teenage years, and reminded me of films that I want to watch or want to watch again. I truly loved this book, and I’ll be dipping in and out of it again and again, I highly recommend.



                          Release your inner geek and pick up this book!

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review 2011-12-26 00:00
Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture
Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture - Stephen H. Segal,N.K. Jemisin,Eric San Juan,Genevieve Valentine,Zaki Hasan I only got 23 pages into the book + a full-book-skimming before giving up. I couldn't figure out who the intended audience was (it's not me, though) - was this written for people who are confused by geeks and nerds and want to know why they quote the things they quote? Was it written as a geek reflection, opening the door to a more thorough understanding of why geeks and nerds are the way they are? Whatever it was, I didn't feel the title matched the content; this was not a collection of sacred teachings of nerd culture. To me, it seemed as if the author and his friends sat down and examined their favorite quotes and came up with philosophies as to why those quotes were important to them and what they meant in their closed society. While I have read and seen and listened-to and even quoted many of the sources in the book, I did not feel the sources quoted were important for the reasons the author stated. I did not feel the explanations of why these bits of culture are important to geeks and nerds (I keep using those terms because they're in the book's title) were anything more than reflective essays on why these bits of culture are important to the author and his friends.
I wound up feeling like I was reading a blog by an author with whom I have no connection on a topic I find appealing for very different reasons and so I stopped reading.
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