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text 2015-08-22 23:14
The Shadow Behind the Stars - Rebecca Hahn

Between the job and family shenanigans I haven't been having the time or patience to read.

As a consequence I haven't been that active on my blog, and neither have I been checking on the blog's email... of course that would be the time in which a representant from Atheneum Books contacted the blog, checking for review dates and asking if I would be interested in a Q&A with the author.

Look, I am an introvert. I may not seem like one when I start sprouting nonsenses, but at heart, I am one of those people who really prefers to be quiet most of the time.

So, how did I get into this mess?

I loved the author's first book: A Creature of Midnight.

I read the arc, and then I went and ordered a hardback copy for myself.

So of course I was really looking forward to this one!

Unfortunately I've already read the first twenty percent, and so far it is so freaking boring. *what am I going to do?*

Hell :/



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url 2013-11-18 18:43
The Book Lantern - “May the Profits Be Ever in Your Pockets”: How Promo for “The Hunger Games” Misses The Point.

"When studios take a product that comes with a strong and large built in fan-base as well as crossover appeal, the challenge is to figure out a way to capitalise on that perfect storm. There’s a way to do it. A Harry Potter theme park is genius because it allows the fan to be part of a world that people actually want to be a part of.

This was not the way to do it.
This is like promoting “Up” with adverts for a chain of funeral homes, or doing special deals on sushi to promote “Finding Nemo”. It’s the kind of cynical heartlessness and stupidity that even Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce would drown their sorrows over."
Come to The Book Lantern to check out my continuing bemusement that anyone thought it would be a good idea to promote a film called "The Hunger Games" with a Subway tie-in! 
And now, some Mad Men gifs to illustrate my feelings.
Mad Men photo pete-campbell-punch_zpsa67477b1.gif
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url 2013-11-16 19:46
The Book Lantern: Wrecking Ball Feminism.

"Feminism itself isn't an amoeba. It evolves, it's not made up of one united movement and it hasn't always done good. Look at the classism, transphobia, racism and shaming that still prevails in modern discourse. If you claim to be a feminist yet see nothing wrong with disparaging women like Cyrus for calling themselves as such while praising Joss Whedon's mansplaining derailing of so-called 'genderism' then you're a far bigger problem than a pop star licking a hammer."


For the first time, all four ladies of The Book Lantern join forces to talk Miley Cyrus, slut-shaming, racial appropriation, the VMAs, the worryingly exclusive nature of modern feminism and why we should stop treating child stars as if they owe us something.


Read, comment, love! 

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url 2013-11-13 16:08
"In Defence of John Green, or Why Ignoring Minorities Can be a Good Thing."







I just...


You know what? 


What Jon Stewart said.


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photo 2013-11-13 01:12
Image from Empire Online.

Divergent poster, also known as "Hey, let's stare at Shailene Woodley's arse as she does the same pose every woman in an action movie has to do for the film poster because we're sexist jerks!" 


Hi there, white guy playing a mixed race character. It's okay for you to be there. Veronica Roth says so, even though she hates white-washing because she's a hypocrite.


God, this movie's going to be a hot mess.

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