Between the job and family shenanigans I haven't been having the time or patience to read.
As a consequence I haven't been that active on my blog, and neither have I been checking on the blog's email... of course that would be the time in which a representant from Atheneum Books contacted the blog, checking for review dates and asking if I would be interested in a Q&A with the author.
Look, I am an introvert. I may not seem like one when I start sprouting nonsenses, but at heart, I am one of those people who really prefers to be quiet most of the time.
So, how did I get into this mess?
I loved the author's first book: A Creature of Midnight.
I read the arc, and then I went and ordered a hardback copy for myself.
So of course I was really looking forward to this one!
Unfortunately I've already read the first twenty percent, and so far it is so freaking boring. *what am I going to do?*
Hell :/