I am not the target audience of this book. I wouldn't have gotten it if it weren't for a) I read the author and b) it was free.
Beyond my not caring for menage, the issues I had with it were... it's in first person. I used to be a lot more ok with first person than I am now but I came to realize I dislike being in the heads of morons, or in this case, a defense attorney. Because really, who wants to know the unprofessional thoughts going through her head while she's interviewing a prospective client...ot the state of her pieces parts during said interview.
The second was the best friend who seemed to be more invested in her sex life than she was.
The third was the mom who, in spite of the h's protests, was way too interested in giving details on HER sex life.
Fourth was everyone overriding her protests that she didn't want to be in a threesome. EVERYone. Mom, bestie, of course the two dickheads who had a vested interest. As for those, I was strangely more ok with the vampire than the werewolf, mostly because he wasn't nearly so pushy. The werewolf mostly just irritated me by acting like an overgrown frat boy.
And finally, what kind of ending was that?! We get all the details of the courtship but when she's finally accepted that they'll both be in her life, it's more like a custodial arrangement where one gets her one day or something, which sounds just sucky to me. One assumes that eventually they're all just one big happy family but...?