As soon as I finished #AYearAThon (actually the same day), I started the next read-a-thon on my list; Hooked On Books week read-a-thon.
Even though I have been doing so well with my reading, I wasn't sure I'll be able to continue. What surprised me was how much I read and how many books I finished.
This is a personal achievement for me, I set out to do these read-a-thons in the hopes to read more as well as never to be in a readers slump ever again. So far I'm pretty happy with the way things are going.
For this read-a-thon, all we had to do was read as much books as we possibly can between June 7 - 14. Here are my results:
My Reading List:
what I planned to read
City Of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
A Whisper Of Leaves by Ashley Capes
Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout
White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L.Armentrout
Pages Read:
7/6 - 90 pages
8/6 - 213 pages
9/6 - 201 pages
10/6 - 93 pages
11/6 - 149 pages
12/6 - 92 pages
13/6 - 202 pages
14/6 - 50 pages
Total Pages Read: 1,090 pages
Books Read:
Day #7 & Wrap-Up
Last day of the read-a-thon and even though it wasn't my best day, overall I think I did a not bad job. I'm happy with the amount of reading I did, though I didn't complete all the books I planned to read.
I enjoyed myself throughout the #AYearAThon that I will definitely be continuing every month.
Bring on July, I'm ready for you.
Pages Read: 90
Total Pages Read: 854
Books Finished:
Total Books Finished:
City Of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
Day #6
Unfortunately I didn't read much, actually I don't think I read anything . It was one of those days when there was no time to stop (or in my case) multi-task.
Last day tomorrow and I plan to read, read, read.
Pages Read: 91
Total Pages Read: 764
Books Finished:
Total Books Finished:
City Of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
Day #5
The good thing about car trips (especially long ones), and you are the passenger, it gives you a lot of time to just sit there and read.
I only read three hours today but I got a lot of reading done.
Pages Read: 127
Total Pages Read: 673
Books Finished:
Total Books Finished:
City Of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare