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review 2018-01-04 12:58
Silent Lies: A gripping psychological thriller with a shocking twist - Kathryn Croft

Five years after Mia’s husband Zach kills himself and one of his students, Josie disappears without trace, someone turns up to tell Mia something completely different. Told from both Josie and Mia’s perspectives. The reader is led through an emotional rollercoaster - who is telling the truth about that night 5 years ago and why has Alison turned up? What does she want? What does she know? So forget the TV and grab this book for sheer escapism and prepare to be mesmerised by the deviousness of some of the characters! Do hope there will be a follow up.

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review 2017-10-25 22:41
Silent Lies
Silent Lies: A gripping psychological thriller with a shocking twist - Kathryn Croft

By:  Kathryn Croft


Publisher: Bookouture

Publication Date: 10/25/2017 

Format: Kindle

My Rating: 4 Stars (ARC)


Kathryn Croft returns following While You Were Sleeping (2016) with SILENT LIES — a twisty psychological thriller of big secrets and silent lies, with an ending you do not see coming. 

As the novel opens to five years earlier, at a funeral. Zach. The husband of Mia and father of Freya. This is no normal funeral. There are angry people. A monster. Suicide. They were married for ten years. 

People are asking her if she knew what her husband was up to? How could she have comprehended what he was capable of? She never really knew the man she married. 

Presently we hear from Mia Hamilton. Her daughter now is seven years old. Mia owns a counseling business and is dating Will. He would like for them to move in together. She is not ready. He is the kindest man she could ever meet and so good with Freya.

She thinks someone is watching her. Her world as she knows will never be the same. 

Mia is meeting a client, Alison Cummings (a young woman). She works from her home office. However, she tells Mia that her husband did not kill himself. Alison is Josie’s former roommate and Alison’s partner is Dominic Bradford. She says he is a violent man. 

Alternating from past to present we hear from Josie Carpenter (past) and Mia (present). 

Josie was a student of Zachs at the university. Dominic was Zach’s colleague. At the time he never believed Zach was capable of the things people said. 

Zach’s parents (Pam and Graham) love their granddaughter and they even like Will. They think it is time for her to move on.

Mia has been unable to tell them for the last five years, that she does not think Zach was innocent. The evidence stacked against him was too compelling to ignore. They think he was just depressed and nothing to do with that girl. 

But why would Alison say he did not kill himself, now five years later? Why would Zach risk his life and family for this girl?

Josie supposedly had an affair with her college professor. However, Zach committed suicide while in Josie’s apartment. Or did he? Innocent or guilty of an affair.

Josie disappeared. The police could never determine what happened to her. There was blood. Did Zach kill her, or what really went down that evening?

What does her former roommate Alison know about that night?` What did Zach do to that girl?

Who is telling the truth and who is lying? 

Mia has fought so hard to start over and build a new life for herself and her daughter. Now she feels she is getting sucked back into the past. She will not involve Will. She will not allow Alison or Dominic to ruin it for her. 

Mia has a strong feeling Alison knows exactly what happened to Josie. Josie is one troubled, messed up gal with a past of horrors; abuse, both verbally and physically. Zach sympathized. Alison and Mia— your feeling will change from the beginning to the ending. 

“Who knows what is within us?”

Unreliable narrator (s) and red herrings. A tangled web of deceit and lies. From obsession, jealousy, suspicion, mental illness to justice. The author keeps you guessing until you are not sure if any character is trustworthy. Nothing is as it appears. 

Do not ever think you have gotten away with something. Karma is a bitch. The silence and the past will come back to haunt you. You are not safe. 

No real likable characters here. Not one of my favorites of Crofts; however, entertaining. Some readers may come away feeling a little cheated or let down while some may like the 360-degree twist. 

If you have read Alessandra Torre's The Ghost Writer, you may see a similarity, with a different twist. 

A special thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for an advanced reading copy.



Source: www.judithdcollinsconsulting.com/single-post/2017/08/16/Silent-Lies
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2017-04-03 18:08
Girl with no Past
 The Girl With No Past - Kathryn Croft

15,00 €










Ich wusste sofort, dass ich etwas in Händen hielt, was ich nicht sehen wollte. Dennoch zog ich die Karte aus dem Umschlag und starrte auf die Schrift.




Alles Gute zum Jahrestag!


Ich fürchtete, mich übergeben zu müssen, faltete dennoch die Karte auseinander. Auf der Innenseite stand mein Name. 




Einzig mein Vorname. In kindlicher Schrift. Jeder Buchstabe hatte eine andere Größe. Ich warf die Karte zurück auf den Tisch, als könnte sie mir körperliche Schmerzen zufügen. Meine Wohnung schien noch kleiner zu werden, als versuchte sie, mich zu erdrücken -


Meine Vergangenheit holte mich ein.


Meine Meinung:

Ich bin durch den interessanten Titel und das sehr ansprechende Cover auf das Buch aufmerksam geworden. Da der Klappentext mich auch neugierig gemacht hat, habe ich zu dieser Neuerscheinung gegriffen. Freundlicherweise hat mir der Verlag ein Rezensionsexemplar zur Verfügung gestellt.


Das Buch wird aus der Ich-Perspektive erzählt. Anfangs wird ein wenig von einem Unfall berichtet. Im weiteren Verlauf des Buches wechselt es dann immer zwischen 1995 und 2014 hin und her. Dies war aber völlig übersichtlich, so dass ich nicht mit den Zeiten durcheinander gekommen bin. Die Art des Erzählens war sehr interessant, weil man so immer nur stückchenweise der Vergangenheit näher gekommen ist.


Leah als Charakter tat mir teilweise schon leid, weil sie in der Gegenwart ein so zurückgezogenes Leben fristet, dass man sie fast schütteln und wachrütteln wollte.


Es war immer eine versteckte Spannung vorhanden, weil man einfach wissen wollte, was es mit Leahs Geheimnis auf sich hat und wie sich das Ganze entwickelt. Es gab hier auch überraschende Wendungen, die das Ganze zum Ende dann spannend gemacht haben.


Den Schreibstil habe ich als nicht so sehr flüssig empfunden, es kann aber an dem ständigen Wechsel zwischen Gegenwart und Vergangenheit gelegen haben. Nach einiger Zeit habe ich mich daran aber gewöhnt.


Alles in allem ist der Autorin hier ein interessanter Psychothriller gelungen, der völlig ohne Blut auskommt, also auch etwas für zärtere Gemüter. Ich kann hier auf jeden Fall eine Kauf- und Leseempfehlung geben, da die Geschichte an sich interessant war und mir schöne Lesestunden beschwert hat. Von mir bekommt das Buch 4 Sterne.

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review 2016-11-10 18:22
While You Were Sleeping
While You Were Sleeping: A gripping psychological thriller you just can't put down - Kathryn Croft
ISBN: 9781786810946
Publisher: Bookouture
Publication Date: 11/16/2016 
Format: Other
My Rating:  5 Stars  

From one of my favorite UK authors, following Kathryn Croft’s The Girl You Lost (2016) and The Girl With No Past(2015)- comes her latest, WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING, Croft’s best yet!

The author possess a knack for crafting engrossing psychological thrillers, in the event, you have not heard.

An edgy and tightly constructed, "impossible to put down" mind-boggling crime mystery suspense. Cleverly crafted, a wickedly smart twisty domestic page-turner.

As the book opens, Tara wakes up in a bed naked, in her neighbor’s bed, Lee Jacobs. He is dead. She has no memory of sleeping with him. She could not do this to Noah, Rosie or Spencer. Was she drugged?

Twenty -four hours earlier.

A teenage daughter, Rosie. Who has issues, self-destruction, meltdowns. She has stalked a guy, Anthony in the past. Under her psychologist care, Dr. Marshall—she says she is under control. Spencer is the younger brother, age eleven.

Noah, the husband is packing for a business trip to New York and plans to return on Sunday. Tara is worried about her submission for the London Art Gallery competition and her limited time to complete. She is looking forward to having the house to herself to complete her project.

Rosie is staying with a friend, and Spencer is staying with grandparents. She is delighted to have the house to herself to get some work done. We also meet her jet-setter sister as we move along- Lisa and Australian hubby Harvey. Lisa and Tara are very close, yet a world’s apart, in lifestyles.

Despite her good intentions to paint all day, somehow she fell asleep while taking a break on the sofa. She receives a text from her husband he has landed in New York (he is in the advertising industry). She replies to his text.

Then she receives a text from Serena, a neighbor, and friend from across the street. She wants her to come over ASAP- she needs a shoulder to cry on. She does not pay attention to the time, the text came in. Serena and her hubby, Lee had been trying for years to have a baby and often Serena needed support from her friends, while they continued trying, with one test after another.

The calm before the storm.

Tara decides not to bother with texting back. She will take a short break and walk over. When she arrives, the hubby said the text came in earlier that morning and she is not currently home. She apologizes and turns around, to head back home.

Until Lee offers her a glass of wine. Across the road her unfinished painting awaits, but why not? It would be nice to have company and laugh for a bit. Right? Wrong.

This is where the novel stands out from the ordinary. From this point on. This situation could actually happen to anyone. It is realistic. In a split second, a choice. A choice which would forever change lives. Note to self: Never have wine with a neighbor husband in the wife’s absence. You never know who is watching.

A real whodunit mystery. Why would someone violently kill a man and leave the woman unharmed, while she was unaware of anything happening around her? Drugged? Did they have sex? What in the heck happened?

She wakes panicked. The facts: One: She knows she did not kill Lee. There was no blood on her. Two: whoever did it saw her. The killer knows her face. What if they come back for her?She leaves. Who will see her leaving Serena's house? Who will believe her? She has to call the cops, or let him be found?

CI (Holden) Hunt and DS Aldridge are heading the murder case. A crime of passion. With many suspects, red herrings, and suspects, Croft takes you down many twisted intriguing paths; however, she keeps you in the game.

"The truth is, how well do we ever know anyone? Secrets and Lies. Are things black and white?"

From Part I (the murder) and events leading up to the incident.

Part II (Three weeks later) an arrest. Everyone in the neighborhood is shouting accusations at Tara and her daughter Rosie (murderers), even though no evidence. How could there be charges, when no one could prove the connections? Some distressing news. So many suspects. A complex web of deceit and lies. The person you least expect.

Part III (Six weeks later) The aftermath. The jealousy, greed, a suitable scapegoat, someone to take the fall. More deaths. All is unraveled. The killer comes to light.

“Sometimes it’s just hard to see the truth when it’s hidden in so many lies.”

Her own husband is not where he says he was, Serena is acting weird, Rosie says she has a new boyfriend whom they have not met, was Lee having an affair, a mysterious engraved watch, Lee’s wedding ring. A stalking teacher. A voice from the past.

A setup? Lee. Serena. Mikey. Rosie. A witness. Tara is driving herself crazy, trying to figure out the killer's identity, while protecting her own family. Is she safe? Now her sister Lisa needs her help. The strong cool one. How could things be any worse?

Tara cannot trust anyone, especially those close to her. Can she trust herself? Blackmail. Nothing makes sense. A stalker? A past.

“Lies and secrets are only ticking time bombs, waiting for the moment they can wreak the most havoc.”

Time is running out. Is someone trying to frame their family? The person you may trust the most could be the one to fear the most.

I love Croft’s writing style! It is crisp, taut, and keeps you focused (read in one sitting). There is never a language barrier, no matter what part of the world you are may reside. Heart-pounding action, with so many suspects, yet each one is so believable, keeping you reading to find how this complex scenario will end.

Engrossing and completely absorbing, the intensity and suspense is riveting. You are in the mind of Tara; confused and bewildered as the events unfold before her very eyes. The desperation is felt and the intensity electrifying. I have enjoyed immensely, Croft’s previous three books and now a strong desire to go back and read her first two. An author to follow.

WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING is fast paced non-stop action; reflecting the dangers of suspicion, revenge, and obsession. Truly addictive, keeping you guessing until the breathless conclusion. Highly recommend!

A special thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.



Source: www.judithdcollinsconsulting.com/single-post/2016/10/05/While-You-Were-Sleeping
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review 2016-11-07 06:03
While You Were Sleeping: A gripping psychological thriller you just can't put down - Kathryn Croft

This was a crazy creepy read. Waking up next door at your neighbor's house in your neighbor's bed naked with your neighbor? No idea how you got there or what had happened the night before? Then to find out that your neighbor is dead?

Your a suspect, your teenage lying daughter who was stalking a boy last year in school is a suspect and your cheating husband who was supposed to be in New York, but was still in town is a suspect. Then you have this creepy guy, Mikey from school where you teach who is also a teacher who says he just happened to be sitting on her street that night and saw the murderer. He just happens to be stalking you.

Those pages were flying while I was reading this book. Tara, the main character who woke up with the dead neighbor, was best friends with Serena, the dead man's wife. Not any more. Then when Tara's daughter is brought in for questioning, she tells lies upon lies upon lies. You can't get a straight answer out of the girl. Then Mikey tells Tara that he was there and saw her daughter running from the scene of the crime covered in blood and proves it to Tara by telling her about a special birthmark. I mean, the list of suspects needs a spreadsheet to keep up with all the reasons why they are suspected.

The author did a great job with the characters and certainly with the subplots and the twists and turns. The ending was absolutely mind-blowing when the real truth comes out. Don't wait until bedtime to start this one. You will be sorry in the morning.

Huge thanks to Bookouture for approving my request and to Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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