~ Third book completed in May #CleanSweepARC Challenge.~
This will not be the first time I've mentioned how much I love the Lowcountry. It with certainly not be the last; it's one of my favorite southern fictional settings. Monroe's love for the Lowcountry is also evident in most of her stories. This time, she has combined her passion for the beautiful coastal islands and the preservation of loggerhead sea turtles and their hatchlings. Mary Alice tells two stories here really, one of Olivia Rutledge, a woman trying to make a difference in her beloved beach community, who's trying to hold on to her family, love, and memories. Second, and what I found most interesting, a story that revolves around preserving the nests of sea turtles and protecting the defenseless hatchlings from destruction, development, and predators. In the end, Olivia is not much different from the mother sea turtle. Both get their strength from the sea and return year after year to a beach home that's in their blood. As always, Monroe delivers.
**E-galley courtesy of XOXO afterdark.com.
The SC Department of Natural Resources began monitoring sea turtle nesting activities and strandings in the late 1970s. Information gained from this program contributes to ongoing sea turtle nest management and protection projects on all of the state's beaches.
For more info on loggerhead sea turtle study: