Let me repeat it for the 100th time that Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one series that I hate yet can’t get enough too. It’s a love-hate relationship. Hate it because the language and narration is tough and different and requires a bit of work and patience and I hate working. Love it obviously for the plot, the whole concept of Monsters and angels and the way a beautiful romance is depicted without an ounce of cliché or sugariness. Platonic and pure if I may say so.
Daughter of smoke and Bone, the pioneer of the series was the best in the whole trilogy if you are looking for an opinion. Second book lagged a lot and was full of sad tone. The Third book, which is this book ( I hear there is another companion book which I haven’t read and do not plan to as well) is crazy lengthy and in fact so much that by the time I finish this book, I could easily complete reading bible, Twice. That’s how lengthy the book is.
The third book being the finale wraps up the fate of all the character. Does it? In a way yes and in a way no. While it brings everything from the first two books to a conclusion, towards the last pages just when you think it is the happy ending, something pops up, and frankly I still have no clue what happened there. The details and the story twist were cryptic to me. But yes there is a happy ending midst of all these for our favorite characters. The pace is soooooooooo sloooooooow. But ironically I loved the language much more in this book than its previous ones, maybe because I was so thrilled to read it or I have actually got used to the author’s poetic and artistic language, which is something that will create more fans for the book or make the readers run away from it. The whole book is just emotions and emotions running page after page in prose and rose. Full cryptic and poetic. Actual incidents and actions are minimal or almost to nil so I would say for plot there was not much in the book
In my opinion the book could have been easily wrapped up in first 100 pages instead of the 600-700 pages it is. Which means rest of the 500-400 pages run with descriptive analysis of what each character is feeling at a particular moment. So does it mean that I hated the book? I seriously don’t know . Its always like this with this series for me. At one hand I hate it and on other hand I m in awe of the plot basics and the quirky language. This book is good for those who are fan of the series and can’t get enough of the author’s work.