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review 2015-10-15 14:06
Black Butler Character Guide: The Butler, Assembles (Kuroshitsuji Kyarakutā Gaido: Sono Shitsuji Shūgō) - Yana Toboso

I can't really say "I finished reading AND understanding everything" since, unfortunately, this beautiful guide is in Japanese only and the translation is not out yet -or ever-. Nevertheless, this little book is a must for all KS fans. I purchased the hardcover edition and it is so pretty! At the beginning there is a tiny little poster of the same drawing in the cover, full color.

The guide has these chapters:

1. Characters: which are Sebastian, Ciel, Tanaka-san, Meyrin, Finny, Bardroy, Madame Red, Grell, William, Undertaker, Elizabeth, Lau and his sister, some members of the police, some members of the Circus (bleh), the guy from the mafia Azurro, Agni and Soma.

[I almost forgot about Ciel's past... and it made me wonder again if he suffered from sexual abuse when he was a child? the night when his parents were killed... please don't, Toboso-sensei, don't make it happen. But if he was "humiliated'... hmph, I don't even want to go there.]

2. Art works from Toboso-sensei: sketches by her own handwriting, and WOW, are they amazing or what. It is obvious she had so much fun drawing the clothes, their different postures, the hairstyles. I personally love Sebastian with a 7:3 hairdo

3. Making ...: which is the BHS of Toboso-sensei and her editor. She looks so cute and funny in her "demon" form.

4. Variety: quizzes and a little game about the series. Never before I wanted to read and understand fluently Japanese so much like I did this time. I am dying to play the game and answer the quiz but I could understand only a few of them, and it does not work because at the end of the game, you can see which "type" you are (i.e., Ciel type, Soma type, etc.)

My favorite quotes:

Sebastian Michaelis: When he gets tired of dealing with humans... it's healing time with cat's paws. Because of the soft, cute cats that doesn't exist in the demon world, Sebastian thinks that life in the human world isn't all that bad either. Incidentally, Ciel's cheek feels identical to a cat's paw.

Grell Sutcliffe: (when he was asked to leave a message to Sebastian) Last time we finished half way, so next time we'll go all the way. I'll longingly wait for it *blows kiss*! I love Grell and his masochists, crazy manners Poor Grell does really want to be a girl, he admits he wants a sex change O_O

I am sure this guide was very useful for the musicals. There is a -mouthwatering- drawing of Sebastian and Grell, "Aka vs. Kuro", just like there is a song in KuroMyu I (which was awesome, btw).

**Once there is a translation of this book, I'll change my rating to 5 stars**.

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review 2015-07-17 15:36
RustBlaster - Yana Toboso

I am going to kill YT if she ends KS like this, in such a vague way.

Despite being the same mangaka, the art is not as pretty as in KS. Some of the characters, like Kei, did resemble, but others, like Aldred and the rest of his squad (except maybe little Lyd, who when she cried, she looked exactly the same as the crying children in KS) were far from pretty. Too raw, like bigger mouths and stiffer hairs. All of the characters seem into Visual Kei: the clothes, the hundred earrings, the weird hairstyle, the black fingernails... and doesn't Aldred's dad look a little like a young HYDE? Less pretty, obviously.

The beginning is not too catchy, but it turns a lot better. I liked the idea of Kei being a human who turns into a weapon only when Aldred drinks his blood (very shounen-ai, if you ask me) and becomes the wielder of the spade. It is a very good one-shot; it could have been better if it has at least one more volume.

That ending made me suffer, but only because I can imagine that YT will end KS (in a far, far, far future, I hope) in that way.

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review 2015-01-30 16:44
DORAEMON Vol. 1 - Fujiko F Fujio,Mitsuru Saito

At last I can scratch Doraemon from my pending-manga. It was so fun to read it; I did not have any idea about the plot. It reminded me of the comics I used to read when I was a kid, like Archie; Nancy and Little Lulu.

Each chapter is so random, starts similar and ends similar. Nobita is lazy or goes into trouble, he desperately ask Doraemon (the robotic cat that comes from the future) for help; Doraemon pulls out a gadget from the future (some are so silly, some are awesome) and instead of helping Nobita (who likes to go a step ahead), they get into troubles.

One thing that get never old, and it always makes me smile: duck lips.

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review 2015-01-20 14:22
Inuyasha, Volume 10 - Rumiko Takahashi

The gang is finally complete.

Waaa, it has been almost 2 weeks since I finished the anime... wonderful -and sometimes, painful- episodes... I miss them.

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review 2015-01-20 14:20
Black Butler, Vol. 19 - Tomo Kimura,Yana Toboso

Ohhh... lots of feelings in this volume.

Chapter 88: a green witch with bound feet. Poor girl. I loved to see Ciel so embarrassed, although I don’t like that he was put in sexual situations -that girl has a perv mind ha!. And Sebastian cooking

Chapter 89: Sebastian crying Sebastian melting

Chapter 90: Ciel remembering his past. And can't have Sebastian near.. or any other adult. He can rely in Finny only, who also has a dark story. Poor Finny! He loves his Master.

Chapter 91: Lucky little witch, despite it all. She has Sebastian as a butler until Ciel gets better. And she is an apt pupil in Sebastian's lessons. The staff is not happy, but Tanaka-san knows better.

Chapter 92: Sebastian in a dilemma... do they leave or not??

Seems like the werewolves were real. The mystery is not even close to get solved. Our duo is apart because Ciel is suffering and Sebastian can't go near him. The art is as good as ever... (Sebastian's hands! my little fetish)

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