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review 2019-02-19 08:15
Book Review - Marked in Flesh, by Anne Bishop
Marked In Flesh - Anne Bishop

Vision in Silver ended with an unsettling phone call mysteriously made by the Elders to Simon. Now Simon and the Courtyard residents struggle to figure out what the Elders meant when they said they should decide “how much human they are going to keep.”

“We can’t trust humans anymore.”

“Did we ever trust them?”

“No. But we counted on their desire to survive being stronger than their greed. I don’t think we can count on that anymore.”

But when push comes to shove, the terra indigene in Lakeside Courtyard protect the human pack that gathered around Meg and their extended families. Thus we get to meet new characters. One of those is detective Monty’s mom, a no-nonsense kind of woman that intrigues the Others. She almost instantly earns the respect of Elliot who asks her help around the office. Her tough love shows the terra indigene that Ms. Twayla is not to be messed with.  

In the aftermath of the HFL (Human First and Last) attack that ended with the slaughter of many wolf shifters, the Elders retaliate and thin the herd. “Namid’s claws and teeth” could lead to the extinction of humankind if they decide to do so. A couple of Elders become intrigued by Meg and they call her “the howling not-wolf”. It is because of her and the way Meg changed the dynamic between humans and terra indigene, that the elders leave this decision to Simon.

“You would kill the sweet blood not-Wolf?”

“If we allow some humans to remain, then what kind of human should we keep?”

But even the Elders realize that Meg is important, not edible, the one who changed the relationship between humans and the terra indigene. She’s worth keeping and she comes with her own human pack. For this, the Lakeside Courtyard is the most progressive of their kind. 

“She was the pebble dropped in a pond that was the Lakeside Courtyard, and the ripples of her presence had changed so many things, including the terra indigene who had befriended her. Because of Meg, the Courtyard’s residents interacted with humans in ways that were unprecedented…Because of Meg, the Lakeside Courtyard had a human pack.”

A major development happens in the way Meg handles her addiction to cutting. Although she’s a blood prophet and she needs to cut and bleed to reveal her prophecy, Meg finds out that she can use tarot cards instead. She calls it the Trailblazer Deck. It’s a skill that still needs tuning, but she gets better every day.

Meg and Simon seem to be comfortable with their relationship status (a.k.a still not together), neither of them knowing how a normal relationship should progress. Frustrating as it is, we do get a bit of a teaser towards the end that they’re ready for more. 

Source: www.summonfantasy.com/book-reviews/book-review-marked-in-flesh-by-anne-bishop
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review 2018-10-16 14:33
Review: Marked in Flesh (The Others #4) by Anne Bishop
Marked In Flesh - Anne Bishop

In the fourth novel in Anne Bishop's New York Times bestselling series, the Others will need to decide how much humanity they're willing to tolerate--both within themselves and their community...

Since the Others allied themselves with the cassandra sangue, the fragile yet powerful human blood prophets who were being exploited by their own kind, the dynamic between humans and Others has changed. Some, such as Simon Wolfgard, wolf shifter and leader of the Lakeside Courtyard, and blood prophet Meg Corbyn see the closer companionship as beneficial.

But not everyone is convinced. A group of radical humans is seeking to usurp land through a series of violent attacks on the Others. What they don't realize is that there are older and more dangerous forces than shifters and vampires protecting the land--and those forces are willing to do whatever is necessary to safeguard what is theirs...







4 ½ ★


I think this was my favorite in the series so far….. There are so many things happening in the book I don’t even know where to start. This book like previous books is pretty fast paced and pretty much gripes you from page one.

Well the humans are still stupid and think they can take…. The others….. and they are moving forward with  their plan to take over for them and ruling the planet . The Others on the other hand know things will come to blow. But over the course of several books they almost became friends with some humans and they would feel bad if they would not survive. So now they are trying to save their friends. All the while they are still helping the cassandra sangue to settle and learn to live a normal life. Of course nothing is ever that easy. Meg and some others also trying to find a way to help them without having to cut. Meg really came through in this book. I thought. In this book more than any others she really learned and she really tried to stand on her own two feet. More than that she stood up for herself. There were a few time in the beginning where I rolled my eyes at her for taking the easy route but overall she really came out of it on top and with more confidence. Simon also grew so much not only in this book but throughout. It is amazing how much the “clever meat” grew on him and how far he is willing to go to safe some of his friends or as he calls them the human pack. But it is clear that he cares for them. Just as it is still crystal clear how he feels about Meg. Tess, is Tess and I still love her , more than ever now that most of everyone know what and who she is. Vlad  is still busy helping with the humans but also with some other Vampires that are coming in and around town and other to. I’m curious to see how that that plays out Most of the book the others and other settlement are busy prepping for a big “storm” that is about to hit.  I have to say that was my least favorite part of the book, I thought it be bigger and actually thought it was a bit anti climatic and went by way to fast. The Aftermath was still pretty big and we shall see how it continues, but just the part of the ‘Storm” itself was a bit of letdown. I thought there were other ‘battles’ in the book that were much bigger and better in a cruel way.

Overall, I really loved this book and can’t wait to start the next. The end with Simon and Meg gave me hope for their relationship…… it’s only taking four books lol.

I own the paperback but I listened to this on audio from the library and I must say the narration was fantastic.


I rate it 4 ½ ★






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Source: snoopydoosbookreviews.com/index.php/2018/10/16/review-marked-in-flesh-the-others-4-by-anne-bishop
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text 2018-09-14 02:38
Reading progress update: I've read 100%.
Marked In Flesh - Anne Bishop

OMG Finally!!!!! lol
Loved this book :)

Full review to come 
Image result for finally happy gif

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text 2018-09-13 15:40
Reading progress update: I've read 82%.
Marked In Flesh - Anne Bishop

I hope this doesn't end with a cliffhanger 
Image result for worried gif

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text 2018-09-13 02:01
Reading progress update: I've read 78%.
Marked In Flesh - Anne Bishop

War is near .....
Image result for twilight wolf gif

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