'Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course | AoL Mindfulness Training #4 by Nataša Pantović. UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/9995754037 This non-fiction book is a 12 modules personal growth course with 100s self-growth transformation tools.
Why European Mindfulness?
"Variety of religious and spiritual movements, such as Yoga, or the New Thought use “mindfulness” for spiritual growth and development. Such an ancient concept in Europe, an innate quality known in Ancient Greece as “Pure Reason” or with Egyptians as “heart-mind” or “Intelligence of the Heart” going back to Ancient Egyptian Babylon’s #philosophy, or Ancient Greek Plato’s Soul’s Eye that is purified “for it is by it alone that we contemplate the truth.”, the naming of God’s idea of Pythagoras Music of the Spheres., the mystical practices of Balkan’s Slavs, or Ancient Maltese or Cyprus, or Olimp temple worshipping rituals." Author in an interview.
Mindful Being Course Paperback
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"Yoga Science and Mindfulness" Nataša Pantović on TV One - https://youtu.be/6TKkRg1rAwU
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