Summer is still here and I am still here for it! It has been a steady 80 degs and I actually have some color to my whitewalker skin (speaking of which, was anyone else like dude, Bran, No? Who says that?!). I greatly enjoyed my recommendations month and once again a hearty thank-you to Quirky Omega; Shannon Burke; Anne; Lover of Romance; Belinda; and Becca for their recs. Those selection books will be denoted with ***book cover***. I love how books I may not necessarily pick out for myself can appear on this list and expand my reading. August is Kindle Freebie month and I love how wild card these picks can be. I'm not always judicious about downloading freebies :)
*Click on book cover to be taken to my review or if I didn't write one, the book's Goodreads page
5 stars
4 stars
3.5 stars
3.2 stars
3 stars
2.5 stars
2.3 stars
2 stars
1.5 star
1 star
13 books in all, not a bad month. I'm loving how varied my ratings were and there were only two books I didn't end up writing a review or post comments about! I'm counting this as one of my most successful themed months; variety and words, woo-hoo! Also, can't forget I got my first full 5 star read of the month, Hate to Want You by Alisha Rai. LOVED. Hoping August feels even half as great as this reading month did.
How many books did you all get to read this month and did you enjoy your reading month as much as I did?