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text 2017-08-01 20:32
August, errr, JULY Read Roundup

Summer is still here and I am still here for it! It has been a steady 80 degs and I actually have some color to my whitewalker skin (speaking of which, was anyone else like dude, Bran, No? Who says that?!). I greatly enjoyed my recommendations month and once again a hearty thank-you to Quirky OmegaShannon BurkeAnneLover of Romance; Belindaand Becca for their recs. Those selection books will be denoted with ***book cover***. I love how books I may not necessarily pick out for myself can appear on this list and expand my reading. August is Kindle Freebie month and I love how wild card these picks can be. I'm not always judicious about downloading freebies :)


*Click on book cover to be taken to my review or if I didn't write one, the book's Goodreads page


5 stars


Hate to Want You by Alisha Rai


4 stars




3.5 stars


Too Scot to Handle by Grace Burrowes  ***Royally Screwed by Emma Chase***  ***Again, My Lord by Katharine Ashe***


3.2 stars


***Under Locke by Mariana Zapata***


3 stars


Going Dark by Monica McCarty


2.5 stars


Don't Tempt Me by Lori Foster  Why Do Dukes Fall in Love? by Megan Frampton



2.3 stars


***If He's Noble by Hannah Howell***


2 stars


***Hemlock by N.J. Layouni***  Grievous by Nancy Haviland


1.5 star


Royally Matched by Emma Chase  ***Paxton Pride by Kerry Newcomb***


1 star



13 books in all, not a bad month. I'm loving how varied my ratings were and there were only two books I didn't end up writing a review or post comments about! I'm counting this as one of my most successful themed months; variety and words, woo-hoo! Also, can't forget I got my first full 5 star read of the month, Hate to Want You by Alisha Rai. LOVED. Hoping August feels even half as great as this reading month did.


How many books did you all get to read this month and did you enjoy your reading month as much as I did?

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text 2017-07-04 18:42
June Reading Roundup

Summer has arrived and I am here for it! My reading took a bit of hit because of the glorious weather and I only checked off 12 books. June was my start a new series month, it wasn't the most successful for finding me a new series to obsess over but that's probably a good thing. Those selection books will be denoted with ***book cover***. July is my Recommended Month, books selected for this come from friends who send direct recommendations to me on Goodreads. Can't wait for more sun, fun, and reading. Enjoy your July, everyone!


*Click on book cover to be taken to my review or if I didn't write one, the book's Goodreads page


5 stars



4 stars


Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare


3 stars


Right Through Me by Shannon McKenna  ***The Hazards of Hunting a Duke by Julia London***


2.7 stars


***Taming the Highlander by Terri Brisbin***


2.5 stars


Some Kind of Hero by Suzanne Brockmann


2 stars


Ruining Miss Wrotham by Emily Larkin  ***Hard-Headed Texan by Candace Camp***  Once a Soldier by Mary Jo Putney  


A Stardance Summer by Emily March  The Duke of Daring by Darcy Burke


1.5 star


***Fit for a King by Diana Palmer***  ***The Perfect Play by Jaci Burton***


1 star


Kind of an average rated month but I like how many different sub-genres I got to touch on, this is why I like my themed months :)


How many books did you all get to read this month, any favorites?

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text 2017-05-02 02:28
April Read Roundup

Whew! It feels like April just flew right on by. I am so ready for some summer weather, I had snow floating in the air yesterday, BOOOOOOO. I know some actually had accumulation but I still want to complain. April was my Singles month (actually read some not in series, lol) and I'm super pleased with some on the hidden gems I discovered from this. Those selection books will be denoted with ***book cover***. I kind of want to keep blindly reaching into my book boxes but I must move on to another sub-genre of my tbr (I know all you book lovers get having sub-genres to your tbr :). I'm sure I don't need to tell you all because I'm sure you've been on pins and needles waiting for this month to come up, but May is my Random Number Generator month. How this differs from blindly plunking books out of boxes is I RNG from my Want-to-Read list on GRs. The thrill of what could be picked! If I don't already have the book or can't find it at my library, I will buy it, if I feel the price works for me. Anyway, I feel I had a good reading month and can't wait to see what awaits me in May :)


*Click on book cover to be taken to my review or if I didn't write one, the book's Goodreads page


5 stars




4 stars




3.5 stars


Under the Wire by HelenKay Dimon


3.3 stars


Sinful Scottish Laird by Julia London  ***Heart of Deception by Taylor Chase***


3 stars


Hot in Hellcat Canyon by Julie Anne Long


2.5 stars


***Sunshine by Robin McKinley***  ***Tortured by Amanda McIntyre***  The King's Executioner by Donna Fletcher  

***Caught on Camera with the CEO by Natalie Anderson***


2 stars


***The Paid Companion by Amanda Quick***  Once a Courtesan by Liana LeFey  ***Royal Lockdown by Rebecca York***  

***Have Mercy by Jo Leigh***  ***Rags To Riches Bride by Mary Nichols***  Lethal Lies by Rebecca Zanetti


1.5 stars


Hard-Hearted Highlander by Julia London


1 star


Fifteen books read and 3.5 stars my highest rating, I thought I had a bit better reading month than that but I think ending on a good note and the pleasantly surprising random book box reads delighted me more than simple high ratings. 


How many books did you all get to read this month, any favorites?

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text 2014-07-31 17:01
July Highlights
The Misadventures of Salem Hyde: Book Two: Big Birthday Bash - Frank Cammuso
The Croc Ate My Homework: A Pearls Before Swine Collection - Stephan Pastis
Jim Henson: The Biography - Brian Jay Jones
Alex + Ada Volume 1 - Jonathan Luna,Sarah Vaughn
The Dark Victorian: Risen Volume One - Elizabeth Watasin
Courtney Crumrin Volume 6: The Final Spell Special Edition - Ted Naifeh,Warren Wucinich
The Angry Little Puffin - Timothy Young

Damn this awesome awesome book blogger organizer is awesome. Totally making me want to do these round up posts.  Here are my favorites of the month. Remember I was on vacation for 2 weeks and didn't get much reading done due to my son being so young.

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