Recently rescued from being kidnapped by the reptilian Brethren, Aisling Ametsa, a beautiful redhead with a mysterious past, awakens on the planet Jasan with a huge gap in her memory and a painful back injury, to find herself hundreds of light years from her home on Earth. She immediately finds herself surrounded by more questions than answers. Why is she on Jasan, guarded by the Dracon princes and the fiercely protective Gryphon brothers? How is it that she can read and understand alien languages that she has never before encountered? And why do the Gryphons stir her heart and her body in such disquieting and exciting ways?
As Aisling discovers more about the Gryphons, gorgeous but forbidding triplets who shape-shift into enormous Griffin-like creatures with lion’s bodies, eagle's heads and wings, the Gryphons slowly delve into the secrets of the enigmatic Aisling: from whom is she hiding, or who is she chasing, or both? Is she a frightened mouse, or a lioness in disguise? Together, Aisling and the Gryphons unravel the tangled skein of each others' secrets, while they share an interstellar adventure to avenge cold-blooded murder, and to unravel an ancient puzzle that may hold the secret to the survival of the Thousand Worlds against the threat of the Xanti, evil invaders from another galaxy. And, along they way, they must fight against obstacles of the heart and barriers to understanding, all the while struggling to build a love that bridges the light years between their worlds.
I think this is the best book in the series. The series world building if very good as is the overall series arc. It is a series that should be read in order.
It is a sexy series with lots of fun alien races, animals, and cultures.
However, the romances are usually not well developed because the action of the overall plot takes over the story so we don't get much couple time. Also, this is a fated mate trope which I like but in this series rather than sink into the trope and allow the couple (or square in this case) to be together and learn each other, there tends to be annoying conflicts. Bleh,
In this story, we get a ton of time between the lovers and the conflict is well done and not stupid.
The heroine has friendships and a great backstory. The heroes shape shift into griffins and do only one dumb thing but overall adorable.
So, I highly recommend this book. The series is enjoyable but this book is all around great.