The Seven Wonders of the World, both human-made and natural continue to leave many surprised with their brilliance and beauty.
The Seven Wonders of the World, both human-made and natural continue to leave many surprised with their brilliance and beauty.
TITLE: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
AUTHOR: Paul Jordan
FORMAT: Paperback
ISBN-13: 978-0-582-77187-1
In this book, Paul Jordan takes a look at the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: how the list (or rather lists, since there were many) were compiled4, who compiled the lists (the Ancient Greeks), why specific wonders ended up on the lists, what the ancient wonders looked like since none exists in their original form and many of them have been destroyed, where they were located, and what eventually happened to them. The book includes a map and illustrations. I found this book to be generally interesting, but was disappointed by the chapter on the Egyptian Pyramids which was outdated (even at the time of going into press). Jordan also discusses possible wonders from other civilizations that may (or may not) have made it onto such a list had the Ancient Greeks known about them.
Other relevant book:
Wonders of the Ancient World: Antiquity's Greatest Feats of Design and Engineering by Justin Pollard