What do you do when the person you're blood bound to protect is the person you fear the most?
Holy Moly! This story is creepy! This wonderfully written short story was perfect for a Halloween season read. It's only about an hour's read time, and in all honesty, I'm not sure I could've taken much more of the darkness held within these pages. It's rather like a train wreck - I wasn't sure I wanted to see, but couldn't look away. Considering the length of this tale, I won't go into details so as not to give spoilers, but I was amazed at how well the author conveys Katherine's terror, anguish, and utter helplessness as the story progresses. The creep factor always goes up when kids are involved and inside these pages, I found a nightmare to rival the likes of The Omen.
If you enjoy a good, scary tale, but are easily frightened, read this one is daylight! I'm glad I did.