The pancreas is a large organ, about six inches long situated in the abdomen, behind the stomach which is a crucial component of the digestive process. The organ is divide into three regions namely the head, the body and the tail. Pancreas have two functional parts, exocrine and endocrine. creates hormones like insulin which help control blood sugar, also enzymes that help in the break- down of food in the small intestine.
Pancreatic cysts
Pancreatic cysts are fluid collections that form within the head, body and tail of the pancreas. It can be divided into two groups, neoplastic and non- neoplastic. Each group includes many different subtypes of cysts, such as pseudo cysts, serous cystadenomas and mucinous cystic neoplasms. Some pancreatic cysts can be or can become cancerous.
Causes of Pancreatic cysts
There is no defined cause of pancreatic cysts and so it is usually unknown. While some cysts are associated with rare illness, including polycystic kidney disease or von Hippel- Lindau disease which is a genetic disorder that affect the pancreas and other organs.
While in case of Pseudo cysts, it often follows a bout a painful condition in which digestive enzymes become prematurely active and irritate the pancreas. It can also result due abdomen injury.
Symptoms of Pancreatic cysts
Pancreatic cysts symptoms vary depending on their size and location. Small cysts which are less than two centimetre, tend to show no symptoms. While, large cysts apparently cause abdominal pain and back pain by exerting pressure on the surrounding nerves and tissues. Cysts in the head of the pancreas can cause jaundice, which is yellowing of the skin and eye with darkening of the urine. Jaundice is caused due to the obstruction of the common bile duct. In case if the cysts become infected then it may result in fever, chills and sepsis. Occasionally, large pseudo cysts can compress the stomach or the duodenum leading to obstruction to the movement of food in the intestines which will result in abdominal pain and vomiting. A formation of malignant cyst, will begin to invade the surrounding tissues which may lead to pain as that of pancreatic cancer that is felt in the back and upper abdomen. Some of the typical or common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, weight loss and feeling full soon after beginning to eat.
Diagnosis of Pancreatic cysts
Usually, improved imaging testing and abdominal scanning are used to diagnose the pancreatic cysts. But, imaging tests are recommended after briefing through medical history of a patient along with some physical exams. Some of the tests include, computerised tomography (CT) scan through which detailed information about the size and structure of a pancreatic cyst can be provided. MRI scan will highlight the information of a pancreatic cyst regarding any component that suggest any risk of cancer. An endoscopic ultrasound can provide detailed image of cyst also; fluid can be collected from the cyst for analysis of cancer signs in a laboratory.
Treatment for Pancreatic cysts
Method of treatment is recommended after the determination of whether a cyst is benign or cancerous. Usually precancerous or cancerous cysts are removed through surgical means. Buy medicines, health products online so as to avoid travelling after surgery. In case of pseudo cyst which is causing bothersome symptoms can be drained by passing a small flexible tube or endoscope through the moth to stomach and to small intestine. The endoscope is equipped with an ultrasound probe and a needle to drain the cyst. Medication is prescribed along with the above treatment. Best healthcare service provider in India should be approached to get information on the patient’s condition and health status, as decisions ought to be individualized
Prevention of Pancreatic cysts
Avoid pancreatitis, which is usually caused by gallstones or heavy alcohol use, to avoid pseudo cysts. The pancreatitis are triggered by gallstones then, removal of them is a best preventive measure. In case, if pancreatitis is due to consumption of alcohol then preferably stop drinking to reduce the possibility or risk of the disease.
So, visit a doctor when you a fever and persistent abdominal pain as one may not able to understand cysts infection very early. A medical emergency like ruptured pancreatic cyst, is fortunately rare. Therefore, get tested soon of any relatable symptoms and maintain good health status.