'Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course | AoL Mindfulness Training #4 by Nataša Pantović. UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/9995754037 This non-fiction book is a 12 modules personal growth course with 100s self-growth transformation tools.
Why European Mindfulness?
"Variety of religious and spiritual movements, such as Yoga, or the New Thought use “mindfulness” for spiritual growth and development. Such an ancient concept in Europe, an innate quality known in Ancient Greece as “Pure Reason” or with Egyptians as “heart-mind” or “Intelligence of the Heart” going back to Ancient Egyptian Babylon’s #philosophy, or Ancient Greek Plato’s Soul’s Eye that is purified “for it is by it alone that we contemplate the truth.”, the naming of God’s idea of Pythagoras Music of the Spheres., the mystical practices of Balkan’s Slavs, or Ancient Maltese or Cyprus, or Olimp temple worshipping rituals." Author in an interview.
Mindful Being Course Paperback
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"Yoga Science and Mindfulness" Nataša Pantović on TV One - https://youtu.be/6TKkRg1rAwU
Self Development Plan, Self Development Courses, Personal Development, Personality Questionnaires, Personality Assessments, Self Development Course.
Core Beliefs Quote by Natasa Pantovic from Conscious Creativity: Ancient Europe’s Mindfulness Meditations
“It is not natural to challenge the existing beliefs breaking patterns, and yet once you manage, you create a space for the new patterns to form, the ones that are filled with Love, Acceptance, Knowledge, and you give yourself & your kids a chance to Spiritually Grow.”
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/J1bLVzAe2xS.mp4 Conscious Creativity Book Audio Video
Here are some Local Links I could find. Enjoy!
Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course by Nataša Pantović, AoL Minduflness #4, is a 12 Modules Personal Growth Course full of "Green Life-Style" exercises including self-improvement and spiritual questionnaires, soul’s diary, behavior pattern modification, relationship contracts, and many other daily self-growth transformation tools on Nutrition, Core Beliefs, Emotional Intelligence, Mind Power, Creative Thinking, Joy and Love.
In a Booklikes Guest Interview with Natasa "Back to the modern times, did you know that within the world of our most powerful Internet, the words that still win the most of our “human” interest are: God, sex and love. I bet this does not surprise you!
Writing and talking about “enlightenment”, “love” and “God”, we ought to learn our reputation either as an eligible representative of a religious structure or as a “Spirit” filled individual that allows this “Divine “ force to flow within ones life.
Detaching the “psychological” tools from the religious connotations is always a difficult process and it risks "charlatans" invading the space of Gurus, Philosophers, Sages, Priests, and Spiritual Researchers promising an "instant happiness", a "curse" or a "pink pill" that cure all the diseases and bring immense wealth.”
Here are some links I could find:
Personal Development Tools, Personality Questionnaires, Personality Assessments, Self Development Courses, Life Coaching,
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