My Thoughts - 5 out of 5 Unicorns - I loved it!!!
***Received a copy of the ebook for an honest review, but I also bought the audiobook
The cover is beautiful with the white tiger though I wish it would have looked more like a hybrid :)
This is the 9th book in the Pride series. I have read most of the books in this series though before I started reviewing the books I read.
I really love this series! It always has family drama, fighting, love, conflict, and the good guys win (well kind of good….lol) which is the way I like it. This is Livy and Victor’s story. Livy is a strong but scary woman….err honey badger. Victor is a hybrid, and he is interesting. I am not one for giving plot details away which makes my reviews hard to write especially when I love the book. Whether reading the book or listening to the audiobook, you cannot go wrong when it is written by Shelly Laurenston. She weaves fantastic stories that are complex, and her humor always has me laughing to the point of tears. I love her style and characters. I also love that even though each story is unique and features a new couple; she always brings those characters you already love back so you don’t have to miss them :)
I am a huge fan of all of her shifter books. Time is my only limiting factor :)
I highly recommend this story and series to any shifter lover because you will fall in love with her characters and humor.