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text 2018-03-08 21:10
Stupid Things (Some) Authors Say

As seen in a discussion regarding if authors should read reviews for their books, and if those reviews are "feedback" for the author:


"...why an author should even have a place on which readers can post reviews, if the author isn't supposed to look at them..."


I don't know if this author knows something I don't - that there are authors who have set up places for readers to post reviews, or if she is under the impression that GoodReads and Amazon (which is what we're discussing) are sites authors have set up for readers to post reviews.


Either way, I'm shaking my head.


Isn't it so nice of those authors to provide areas for us little readers to share our opinions of their books?  For author "feedback" no doubt. ;)

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review 2015-10-27 03:39
The Billionaire Saga continues
The Billionaire's Fake Girlfriend - Part 2 (The Billionaire Saga) - Sierra Rose

This is part two in The Billionaire Saga, a three part series.  I always remind my readers, to get the most from a story that is in a series - please read in the order the author intended.  This is for best enjoyment and understanding of the story as a whole.


Rebecca and Marcus continue the charade in this book.  Only this time, it is not just a potential client they have to convince.  This is Rebecca's family.  Her mother and brother come to "help" the wedding planning along.  


Marcus is still agreeable about paying for her time, as he still has a client on the hook he is trying to catch.  He finds her family fascinating and funny.  They love him also.


Rebecca, meanwhile, is starting to feel the deep pangs of guilt.  She is close to her family, for the most part, and hates lying to them.  She also knows if she tells her mom the truth she will hit the roof.


Marcus and Rebecca are also getting closer.  They have come to know one another and this makes "faking it' in public and for others, much easier.  Only now, they have feelings invested as well.  


I found this to be even better than the first installment.  The author brings you to such laughter and then throws in some surprises for you.  I really cannot wait to see what the next book will bring!  I give this story a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This ARC copy was given by Hurricane Readers Book Reviews and its author, in exchange for an honest review.

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review 2015-10-14 07:59
Fake it till you make it
The Billionaire's Fake Girlfriend - Part 1 (Contemporary Romance) (The Billionaire Saga) - Sierra Rose

Rebecca White and Marcus Taylor have a run in at a coffee shop.  They do not officially "meet" until she is at his party in a professional capacity.  She tells one of the screeching leeches that she is the billionaire's girlfriend, and he goes along with it.


They have quite a bit of fun in front of the cameras with their little secret.  She came along at a perfect time, when Marcus needed Rebecca.  So it is official.  She has to come out of her comfort zone.


Marcus, for all that is going on seems to enjoy her company.  On the premise that they have to spend time together for it to be believed, he is over at her apartment.  They are going to events together, flying to glamorous places together, etc.


Rebecca is not sure what her take on this is going to be.  Right now it is fun.  The best acting job she has ever given.  But is it really acting?  If she enjoys his kisses, and wants more - is it still all for the job?


This is such a super start for the series!  In grand style, I laughed and laughed and enjoyed myself with all the banter, sexy times, and offhand thoughts.  I cannot wait for the next installment!!  I literally could NOT put this one down!  Total keeper, it gets the 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This ARC was given by Hurricane Readers Book Reviews and its author in exchange for an honest review.

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review 2015-09-21 08:18
Judge Not
Judged, Part I: (A second chance romance serial) - Ali Parker,Kellie Dennis Book Covers By Design,Nicole Bailey Proof Before You Publish

Sicily and Drake DeMarco have known each other since she moved to town with her two roommates.  Drake is best friend to her BFF's man, Jake.  They see each other all the time.


Drake finally gets the nerve to ask Sicily out.  She is not sure that is really what he is doing.  She thinks he is hinting she needs to join his gym for her weight being too high.  He thinks she is perfect and just wants reasons to see her more often.


Sicily owns one of the local bakeries in town.  She has gained weight since moving here and opening her shop.  She is concerned for her health, since she had a family member die of a heart attack.


Drake thinks Sicily is hot just the way she is.  Only he represents the bad boy who rides a bike her big brother told her stay away from.  Too bad she is already invested and thinks about him all the time.


I love this book!  I also love that we get to see the characters from the previous stories (Jaded and Justified.)  The story was paced well and the characters were fun to read.  I found this an amazing story and cannot wait to read the next installments!!  I give this book a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This ARC copy was given by Hurricane Readers Book Reviews, in return for an honest review only.

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