Again, I did not enjoy this as much as I had the first time I read it (something like 10 years ago). Aya is annoying as hell, I mean I can’t blame her given the society she lives is but all she cares about is fame and recognition, and it is really something I hate. Tally is not as present in this book as she is in the other three but she still has an important role. She was also really annoying and I kind of wanted to punch her in the face. Again, given what she has been through, can’t blame her either…
The plot was not bad at all but I had issues with the pacing. It also seems kind of childish but maybe because I read it when I was way younger, I don’t know.
Anyway, this book was not bad at all, I even strongly recommend this series, but I guess I am disappointed because I thought it was going to be way better and maybe I shouldn’t have re read it.
As I already said in my review of the other books of the series, I am very excited about the new books to come!