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text 2018-12-08 11:00
Book Tour & Giveaway with Excerpt & Author Interview! Obeying the Rules by Kitka Buchanan!









Obeying the Rules
by Kitka Buchanan
Genre: Dark Contemporary Romance

Obeying the Rules. It sounds simple; unless your mind, body and spirit are sold to the Mistress of The Manor to pay for your crimes.


Nothing is quite what it seems in The Manor. Cassia rules with an iron fist. Will her own past and her soft heart get in the way of her mission?


Cade, Cassia’s enforcer. Can he overcome his own demons to learn to let someone close to his hardened heart?


Nova and Gage. Political prisoners, the thorns in the side of The Master. Too bold for their own good.


Sterling. Master of The Manor and the entire region. Would give his wife anything. But what exactly is behind his motives?


Enter The Manor and find out exactly what is at risk when Obeying The Rules is your only option.



Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40385834-obeying-the-rules


BookBub - https://www.bookbub.com/books/obeying-the-rules-by-kitka-buchanan


Riffle - https://www.rifflebooks.com/books/1030221





AVAILABLE in ebook

Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CVLM8VP


iBooks - https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/obeying-the-rules/id1405312436


B&N – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/obeying-the-rules-kitka-buchanan/1128979882


GPlay - https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=C3liDwAAQBAJ


Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/obeying-the-rules





Cade opened the door to his office and stepped aside so that Nova could enter. Nova pleadingly looked up at him. When he didn’t budge, she walked past him and stopped in the middle of the room. He closed the door and locked it behind him. Stepping up to her, he reached down and untied the skirt that all the servants were required to wear and let it drop to the floor. The standard underwear that each were given only covered the essentials and Cade couldn’t help but admire the curve of Nova’s hips and bottom and the line of her bare legs as the skirt fell. He took her hand and led her over to his desk. Leaving her standing there, he stepped around behind it and took the cat-o-nine-tails he had shown her before off of the wall.

Nova could feel her heart race with fear and a slight bit of anticipation. Where the hell did that come from? She hadn’t exactly expected that. As he came around the front of his desk again, he trailed the cat across her nearly bare rear end. Something clenched in Nova’s stomach and in her throat.

He nodded towards the desk. “Bend over.” Nova hesitated only long enough for Cade to cock his head to the side. “Nova, I won’t tell you again.” Cade stepped behind her and lifted her arms above her head as he helped ease her down across the smooth wood of his desk.

He ran his hand lightly over her before she felt a sharp sting across her backside. Nova bit at her lip to fight back the gasp and scream she felt boiling inside of her. Her mind was doing somersaults as it tried to pinpoint the exact sensation she was feeling. The next strike caught her just across the upper thighs and the smooth slope of her ass. Nova couldn’t avoid the gasp of breath that she took this time. Cade brought the leather straps down against her skin again, bringing bright red marks across her cheeks that could even be seen through her panties. Nova could be wrong, but she thought she heard a mild groan out of him as he ran his fingers lightly over the marks. As Cade brought those straps down upon her one final time, Nova’s brain fizzled out on her. She audibly let out a moan that she hadn’t meant to and she couldn’t deny the feeling between her legs that she was absolutely confused about. Cade smiled to himself as he slid a hand between her skin and the fabric that barely covered it. “Like that, did you? You’re not supposed to like your punishment, Nova. I might have to try harder next time.” He used his hand to push her underwear down slightly. His bare hand came down hard upon her already bare ass and then slid down between her legs, feeling the wetness she couldn’t deny. “I am definitely going to have to try harder. You enjoyed this way too much." He pulled her panties back up and picked up her skirt, laying it on the desk next to her. “Get dressed, Nova. I’ll take you back to your room.”

Cade took a couple of deep breaths as he hung the cat back on the wall, attempting to calm the desire inside himself. He hadn’t been prepared for Nova’s reaction, nor for his own. Once he had a sense of control, he walked over to the door and held it open for her. They walked to her room in silence. Once there, he opened the door for her. When she turned to close it, he placed his hand on top of hers. “Nova, don’t think that I don’t understand. I know exactly what you are going through. I’ve been in your position. I had to learn the hard way to control myself. Mason is right, you just have to learn to play the game.”






1. What book do you think everyone should read?


Everyone should read Summer of My German Soldier by Bette Greene. It’s an emotional rollercoaster, but it’s the best book I’ve ever read. I remember reading it when I was about eleven or twelve. I had just seen the movie with Bruce Davidson and Kristy McNichol. I immediately went to the bookstore and bought the book. I read the book in one sitting and spent the next day...well, I can’t tell you that or it’d give away the ending. Just read it! It’s powerful! It’s technically a Young Adult book, but anyone can read this book and be moved by it.



2. What inspired you to write this book?


Torture, plain and simple. I started to write the characters of Cade and Nova to torture my best friend, Kat Ries. It’s so much fun to write scenes to torture her. It developed into so much more than that because a storyline blossomed. The characters began to talk to me. Suddenly, there was this world developed.



3. What can we expect from you in the future?


There are two more “Obeying The Rules” books to come and the prequel to Spellcasters. Beyond that, I have so many ideas floating around in my head yet to come. Kat and I have a monster of a book to come yet that spawned an entire side project.




4. Do you try to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?


I just write what the characters dictate. I honestly couldn’t do it any other way. I always hope that the readers will love it, but the characters tell me which direction the book is going to go. In fact, in Obeying The Rules, there is one character that I was surprised that it ended up the way that it did. When I first introduced the character, it wasn’t my intent.



5. What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?


Well, it wasn’t exactly a literary pilgrimage, but there was a trip that solidified the idea of publishing my first book. My best friend, Kat Ries, and I had written Spellcasters just for fun to amuse ourselves. The characters were based on our favorite actors. We had planned a trip to a convention to meet one of those actors. During that trip, everything pointed to the fact that we needed to publish our book. There are pieces of jewelry that figure prominently in the book. We actually found them at a vendor booth at the convention. There were other things pointing directly to the book. We walked out of the convention shocked and determined that Spellcasters needed to see the light of day. A few months later, it was published.




$5 Amazon, Signed Copy of Obeying the Rules


Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!







As a child who moved frequently, Kitka made friends easily with the characters in books. She would read everything she could get her hands on: from Shakespeare to Anne Rice to Johanna Lindsey to Judy Blume. She always dreamed of joining their ranks as an author. Having written for decades, she has finally found the courage to start sharing her dark, often paranormal, romantic works with the rest of the world. Her wife puts up with obsessively talking about her books and her two children encourage her all the way.


Website - https://kitkasplayground.wordpress.com/


Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKitkaBuchanan/


Twitter - https://twitter.com/KitkaBuchanan


Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Kitka-Buchanan/e/B076NDQGFS


Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17255661.Kitka_Buchanan












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text 2018-12-08 11:00
Book Tour & Giveaway with Excerpt! The Skeleton Makes a Friend (Family Skeleton Mystery #5) Leigh Perry!









The Skeleton Makes a Friend
A Family Skeleton Mystery #5
by Leigh Perry
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Pub Date: 11/6/18

Georgia Thackery is feeling pretty good about her summer job teaching at prestigious Overfeld College, and she’s renting a rustic cabin right by a lake for herself, her daughter, Madison, and her best friend, Sid the Skeleton. Together again, the trio are enjoying the quiet when a teenager named Jen shows up looking for her friend. Georgia doesn’t recognize the name, but she learns that the person Jen was looking for is actually Sid.

Sid reveals that he and Jen are part of a regular online gaming group that formed locally, and one of their members has gone missing. Sid admits that he might have bragged about his investigative prowess, enough so that Jen wants him to find their missing player. Given that Sid doesn’t have many friends offline—none, really, unless you count the Thackery family—Georgia agrees to help him search. They manage to discreetly enlist Jen, who lives in town, and follow the clues to… a dead buddy.

Now they’ve got a killer on their hands. Probing the life of Sid’s friend, they realize a lot is wrong both on campus and in the seemingly quaint town, and someone doesn’t want them looking deeper.





Trailer – https://youtu.be/a4R965G301



Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39289071-the-skeleton-makes-a-friend


BookBub - https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-skeleton-makes-a-friend-by-leigh-perry


Riffle - https://www.rifflebooks.com/books/1030222https://www.rifflebooks.com/books/1030222





The Skeleton Makes a Friend is the 5th book in the
Family Skeleton Mystery series.


Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/series/87608-family-skeleton-mystery



1 A Skeleton in the Family
2 The Skeleton Takes a Bow
3 The Skeleton Haunts a Home
4 The Skeleton Paints a Picture
5 The Skeleton Makes a Friend





AVAILABLE in print or ebook


Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Skeleton-Makes-Friend-Family-Mystery-ebook/dp/B07GT39K2X


iBooks - https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-skeleton-makes-a-friend/id1434066384?ls=1&mt=11


B&N - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-skeleton-makes-a-friend-leigh-perry/1128072450?ean=9781635764444#/


GPlay - https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Leigh_Perry_The_Skeleton_Makes_a_Friend?id=Za5qDwAAQBAJ


IndieBound - https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781635764444






Sid unzipped the rest of the way, pulled himself out of the suitcase and back together, and tried to turn the knob. “It’s locked.”


“Can you open it?”


“Easy peasy,” he said, pulling a set of lock picks from inside the suitcase. My locksmith sister Deborah probably hadn’t realized that teaching my daughter Madison how to pick locks was tantamount to teaching Sid. Madison had shared everything she’d learned with him, and he’d promptly ordered his own picks online. “You really should learn to do this, Georgia. It’s not that hard.”


Despite his assurance, it seemed to take an awful long time to get the door open.

Or maybe it just seemed like a long time because I kept looking down the stairs, worried that somebody would hear us and come to see what was going on.


Finally there was a loud click, and Sid said, “Nailed it!” He opened the door, and cold air streamed out.


“Brr!” I said. “Wouldn’t you know that a department with everybody on vacation would be the one with overachieving air conditioners?” The window unit in my classroom had gone out twice. “Not to mention the waste of electricity.”


“You can complain about it later,” Sid said. “Come on.”


I followed him into the human resources department, pulling the empty suitcase along.


There were four more closed doors: three offices labeled with names and one marked File Room.


“Here we go,” Sid said, using his picks on one of the office doors.


This lock was easier to deal with, which was a relief, but unfortunately, the smell seemed to be coming from that office. “I’m going in.”


“Remember what I said. Get in, look around fast, get out.”


“Got it.” He stepped inside.


Between the cold, the horrid stink, and the fear of being caught, I was hoping that Sid would be swift, but I was surprised when he came out in under two minutes.

“That was fast. Did you find something?”


“Don’t go in there.”


“I wasn’t going to—”


Then I looked at him.


He shouldn’t have been able to look like anything but bone-colored, but somehow he seemed paler than usual, and his bones were so loose he was nearly falling apart. “What’s wrong?”


“He’s in there. At least I think it’s him.”


“Did he see you?” I said stupidly.


He slowly shook his skull, and only then did I realize what it was we’d been smelling.







Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!






Though Leigh Perry was born in Pensacola, FL and raised in Charlotte, NC, she has been living north of Boston, MA for 26 years or so. She shares the house with her husband, two daughters, two guinea pigs, and a ludicrous selection of books. While the population of people and guinea pigs stays constant, the number of books is on an ever-rising curve. Under the name Toni L.P. Kelner, she’s published eleven novels and twenty-something short stories, as well as co-edited six urban fantasy anthologies with New York Times bestseller Charlaine Harris.



Website - http://leighperryauthor.com/


Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LeighPerryAuthor


Twitter - https://twitter.com/Family_Skeleton


InstaGram - https://www.instagram.com/leighperryauthor


Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Leigh-Perry/e/B00BRRZSKW


Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7155219.Leigh_Perry










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text 2018-12-08 11:00
Book Tour & Giveaway with Excerpt! The Black Edge Series by Charlotte Byrd!









Black Edge
Black Edge Series Book 1
by Charlotte Byrd
Genre: NA Dark Contemporary Romance

I don’t belong here.

I’m in way over my head. But I have debts to pay.

They call my name. The spotlight is on. The auction starts.

Mr. Black is the highest bidder. He’s dark, rich, and powerful. He likes to play games.

The only rule is there are no rules.

But it’s just one night.

What’s the worst that can happen?



Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40530960-black-edge


BookBub - https://www.bookbub.com/books/black-edge-by-charlotte-byrd


Riffle - https://www.rifflebooks.com/books/1030217



Black Rules
Black Edge Series Book 2


We don’t belong together.

I should have never seen him again after our first night together. But I crave him.

I’m addicted to him. He is my dark pleasure.

Mr. Black is Aiden. Aiden is Mr. Black. Two sides of the same person. Aiden is kind and sweet.Mr. Black is demanding and rule-oriented.

When he invites me back to his yacht, I can’t say no.

Another auction. Another bid.

I’m supposed to be his. But then everything goes wrong….


Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40534280-black-rules


BookBub - https://www.bookbub.com/books/black-rules-black-edge-2-by-charlotte-byrd


Riffle - https://www.rifflebooks.com/books/1009727



Black Bounds
Black Edge Series Book 3


I don’t belong with her.

Born into darkness, life made me a cynic incapable of love.

But then Ellie waltzed in. Innocent, optimistic, kind.

She’s the opposite of what I deserve.

I bought her, but she she stole my heart.

Now my business is going up in flames.

I have only one chance to make it right.

That’s where it happens…something I can never take back.

I don’t cheat on her. There’s no one else.

It’s worse than that. Much worse.

Can we survive this?



Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40518117-black-bounds


BookBub - https://www.bookbub.com/books/black-bounds-black-edge-3-by-charlotte-byrd


Riffle - https://www.rifflebooks.com/books/1030218




Black Contract
Black Edge Series Book 4



They can take everything from me, but they can’t take her.

Mr. Black is coming back. With a vengeance.

“I need you to sign a contract.”

“What kind of contract?”

“A contract that will make you mine.”

This time she’s going to do everything...


Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40616113-black-contract


BookBub - https://www.bookbub.com/books/black-contract-black-edge-4-by-charlotte-byrd


Riffle - https://www.rifflebooks.com/books/1030219



Black Limit
Black Edge Series Book 5


Is this the end of us?

I found a woman I can’t live without.

We’ve been through so much. We’ve had our set backs. But our love is stronger than ever.

We are survivors.

But when they take her from me at the altar, right before she is to become my wife, everything breaks.
I will do anything to free her. I will do anything to make her mine for good.

But is that enough? And what if it's not?




Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42659959-black-limit


BookBub - https://www.bookbub.com/books/black-limit-black-edge-5-by-charlotte-byrd


Riffle - https://www.rifflebooks.com/books/1030220




All books AVAILABLE in print or ebook

~Black Edge~

Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Black-Edge-Charlotte-Byrd-ebook/dp/B07DQPYGK1


iBooks - https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/black-edge/id1398671120


B&N – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/black-edge-charlotte-byrd/1128918307?ean=2940162051688

GPlay – https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Charlotte_Byrd_Black_Edge?id=0K5fDwAAQBAJ


Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/black-edge-3




~Black Rules~


Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Black-Rules-Edge-Book-ebook/dp/B07DNZMTRZ


iBooks – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/black-rules/id1398676235


B&N – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/black-rules-charlotte-byrd/1128934278?ean=2940162132622


GPlay – https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Charlotte_Byrd_Black_Rules?id=wq5fDwAAQBAJ


Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/black-rules





~Black Bounds~


Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DNZ9R7X


iBooks – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/black-bounds/id1399138274


B&N – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/black-bounds-charlotte-byrd/1128934422?ean=2940162132684


GPlay – https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Charlotte_Byrd_Black_Bounds?id=qq5fDwAAQBAJ


Kobo – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/black-bounds




~Black Contract~


Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DWJPMS7/


iBooks – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/black-contract/id1401565218


B&N – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/black-contract-charlotte-byrd/1128934428?ean=2940162132714


GPlay – https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Charlotte_Byrd_Black_Contract?id=YK5fDwAAQBAJ


Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/black-contract





~Black Limit~


Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Black-Limit-Charlotte-Byrd-ebook/dp/B07DWN2QNS


iBooks – https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/black-limit/id1401532244


B&N – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/black-limit-charlotte-byrd/1128937517?ean=2940162154099


GPlay – https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Charlotte_Byrd_Black_Limit?id=Pq5fDwAAQBAJ


Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/black-limit




Caroline and I both sit there for a few minutes debating whether we should really go through with this.


Honestly, I don't know.


On one hand, it seems insane.


An auction.


A sex auction, in this day and age.


We’re women.


We’re supposed to be liberated and free.


We can have sex with anyone we choose.


On the other hand, being liberated and free also means that I’m free to participate in an auction if I want.




Would this really make me a prostitute?


Or do you get some sort of one-night pass?


I mean, I’ve had a one night stand before after a really nice dinner.


How exactly would this be any different?




I wait on the bed breathing very fast for what feels like forever. My fingers nervously fidget and run along edge of my restraints. I can’t see the robe that I’m wearing, but I know it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever worn for a man. Plus, the feathers feel very soft and comfortable. It’s like I’m wrapped in luxury.


Waiting is pure torture. There’s room in the mask for my eyes to open freely without my eyelashes touching the fabric, but all I see is blackness around me. How long do I have to wait like this? My thoughts keep going back to the amount of money that the mysterious Mr. Black paid for me. $250,000. That’s a lot of money. I wonder what kind of night he is expecting from all of this. To tell you the truth, I’m not the most exciting girl in bed. I’m actually quite boring. I don't like to do a lot and I’m not a huge fan of being on top. When I’m on top, I can never relax enough to actually orgasm.


The door swings open. I exhale and inhale deeply, trying to compose myself. My body suddenly gets really cold and really hot at the same time. My hormones must be going nuts. I hear the footsteps approaching the bed.


“Hello?” I ask, not able to bear the anticipation much longer.

“Good evening,” he says after a moment. His voice is smooth, and deep, and has a kind of oak quality to it. He doesn’t sound very old, but then again, what do I know about voices?


“Are you Mr. Black?” I ask.


“Yes, I am,” he says slowly. “But you may call me Sir.”


“Just sir?” I ask.


“Yes, just sir.”





$20 Amazon


Follow the tour HERE for exclusive content and a giveaway!






Charlotte Byrd is the bestselling author of many contemporary romance novels. She lives in Southern California with her husband, son, and a crazy toy Australian Shepherd. She loves books, hot weather and crystal blue waters.




Website - http://www.charlotte-byrd.com/


Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/charlottebyrdbooks


Twitter - https://twitter.com/ByrdAuthor


InstaGram - https://www.instagram.com/charlottebyrdbooks


Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Charlotte-Byrd/e/B013MN45Q6


Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14181696.Charlotte_Byrd










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