I highlighted a few; see https://www.fictfact.com/BookReleaseCalendar for full list.
I highlighted a few; see https://www.fictfact.com/BookReleaseCalendar for full list.
Recently, the wonderful Cait @ Paper Fury talks about the woes of being a fast reader in her post on the dire agonies of being a fast reader. I want to even the playing field and show that the slow readers are in the same boat of sorrow (and maybe give a few perks about reading slowly too).
Go to the original post to find out my least favorite things about being a slow reader, and some of the perks of reading slowly too.
This is quite an epic post... It has a giveaway, excerpt, character cast and my fangirling review. It's all set around my favorite new release in 2015!
The new releases Team Closet Geeks can't wait to get their hands on this week
Have you ever been wondering about fanfic? Well, Ella has immersed herself into it for the last few months...
Find out about her experience in the first instalment of Ella's Guide to Fanfic