Q: You’ve traveled widely and researched multiple approaches to “love mindfulness.” Does one approach appeal to you more than another?
Nataša Nuit Pantović: The Eastern and Western approaches to God and spirituality developed in different directions. The western thrived exploring science, music, sports while the eastern focused on the interconnections of all, with a greater emphasis on myths, occult, micro-macro relationships. There are Yin and Yang approaches to life. Within my novel A-MA: ALCHEMY OF LOVE, I explore these in greater details. A-MA is set in 17th century China, at the time of first real contact of Eastern and Western civilizations, first printing books, first Universities that translated ancient works, first enlightened minds that saw that the merge of the two could lead to an amazing wisdom sharing.
Read more http://strandssimplytips.blogspot.com.mt/2017/03/what-experts-say-natasa-nuit-pantovic.html