I feel kind of cheated because of the skipped year but in the same time I'm grateful I was spared from the trainwreck in slo-mo it apparently was. Still, it annoyed me and this is the reason I'm reducing half a star. Pffft, whatever.
It was a rich book, showing the cultural and religious clash between three countries and faiths marvellously. Not sure why it's being marketed as sci-fi in my country since it's obviously high-fantasy but hey, at least it's translated and more people have the opportunity to get to it (and feel my pain). i'll recommend it endlessly, I'm generous like that (especially with pain).
I really liked the characters.
Strong, self-assured women.
Clever, proficient men.
I'm especially fond of Ammar and Miranda. ^^
In my headcanon AU everyone (important) lives and Jehane, Ammar, Rodrigo, and Miranda form a happy menage a quatre.