Paige Mahoney has escaped the brutal prison camp of Sheol I, but her problems have only just begun: many of the survivors are missing and she is the most wanted person in London . . . As Scion turns its all-seeing eye on Paige, the mime-lords and mime-queens of the city's gangs are invited to a rare meeting of the Unnatural Assembly. Jaxon Hall and his Seven Seals prepare to take center stage, but there are bitter fault lines running through the clairvoyant community and dark secrets around every corner. Then the Rephaim begin crawling out from the shadows. Paige must keep moving, from Seven Dials to Grub Street to the secret catacombs of Camden, until the fate of the underworld can be decided.
*I received a free copy from the publisher and chose to leave a voluntary review. Thank you!*
4 ½★
I really don’t know why it took me so long to finish this awesome book. I really don’t. Though I should say that I shouldn’t have waited so long between book one and two since the world building is rather complex it would have just made it a bit easier.
This book a bit different than the last, we get a lot more of the underground and the different gangs and how they work and what all makes the gears turn. Also the character’s growth and development was fantastic. There is so much depth and so many layers to them, their relationships. Which with the awesome world building made you feel like you right there with them.
Paige grew so much in this book I thought and she did not shy away from stuff when things or people seemed to work against her, she just regrouped and found another way. While complicated, very much so actually, I enjoyed her and Jaxon working more or less together. Also enjoyed him a lot, even with all his errors and flaws, but he also had a lot of good qualities to him.
Warden. Yes we see him again and I really liked him but I must say while I enjoy him and I enjoy Paige, and them working together I’m not crazy about them as a couple. Not sure why but just something that puts me off to that idea.
Hmm, I’m not sure what else to say and not spoil it for other people. So I will just make it short.
I loved this book, it had a great pacing and always wanted to make to turn tro the next page, it also always kept me on the edge of my seat and I was speechless a few times. There are quite the few twists and turns and the end was just… I don’t even know … I sort if saw it coming but then not at all.
So be prepared for a cliffhanger that will make you want to scream. Overall, this is a pretty complex world to get used to at first but once you are in you will love it and it is sooo worth it . Also there are glossary at the end of both book one and two to help you along.
If you like fantasy I would most defiantly give this a try.
I rate this book 4 ½ ★
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