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review 2015-05-23 04:57
The Ghost Fields
The Ghost Fields - Elly Griffiths

Deducted half a star because there wasn't a lot of Cathbad.  *sigh*  I love Cathbad.  #CharacterCrush


So the plot in this book, the 7th in the Ruth Galloway series, was very Shakespearean. Fathers, sons, brothers, a dash of crazy, a scant teaspoon of biblical floods, a dollop of romance and a pinch of marital infidelity.  All that was missing was the where-fore-art-thou's.   A WWII plane is uncovered in a field with skeletal remains inside, which leads Ruth, Nelson and the team to an eccentric area family with skeletons in the closet.  Well, one less skeleton, as it was in the field.


Of course, I love getting back to King's Lynn and catching up with the gang.  I love the characters in this series, and the location is a character in itself. An interesting plot woven around a lot of action, just the right pacing to keep it interesting without getting bogged down.


What I didn't like was that the plot took a backseat to all the soap opera-y things going on.  Ruth has steadily degenerated from a strong, independent woman to one that simpers after the man she can't have and agonizing about the one that she can. The storyline with Judy going into labor at the house was a little much.  Also didn't care for the whole infidelity storyline.  It didn't add to the story and I guess it was only there to set the stage for a future plot.  There also wasn't a lot of forensic-y things for Ruth to do.  And I pity her poor students, who probably never get their tests back in a reasonable amount of time.


Overall, the minuses are just nit-picky things that bothered me but didn't take away from my enjoyment of the book.  It was still an enjoyable read in one of my favorite series and, of course, leaves me pining for the next.


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review 2015-04-05 17:56
The Ghost Fields
The Ghost Fields (Ruth Galloway Mysteries) - Elly Griffiths

A buried WWII plane is found with its pilot still in the cockpit. But Forensic archaeologist Ruth Galloway soon discover that the man in the plane has been placed there. Who was he and why was he placed in the plane?

The Ghosts Fields are the seventh book in the Ruth Galloway series and I have read them all so I was quite happy when I was approved from this book over on NetGalley. Actually, I wasn't supposed to read this book now, but I let it get ahead in the queue since I really wanted to read a crime novel and also wanted to read a book with familiar characters.

This book picks up two years after the last book and Ruth daughter Kate now five years old and is starting school. Nelson, Kate's father Nelson is still married to Michelle, but he is as usual quite possessive of both Ruth and Kate. Which in my opinion he has no right to be since he chose to stay with Michelle. This case will bring them together again as they try to find out how the man came to be in the plane and why after Ruth discover that the man has been dead for years, but have been buried somewhere else. Also, when an heiress is attacked it seems that there is someone out there still out for blood...

It felt nice to return to Ruth Galloway world and I was pleased that she has stopped (well not completely) obsessing about her weight. Her "relationship" with Nelson isn't the easiest. Having a child with a married cop isn't easy especially since she hasn't really moved on even though she tries.

I like cold cases and this case with links to a prominent family turned out to be quite interesting and there is a part in this book what made me think of a special scene from the book /movie/TV-series Hannibal though less gruesome...

All and all a good read and I'm looking forward to the next book in the series when it comes out!

I received this copy from the publisher through Netgalley in return for an honest review!

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