I don't quite know what to make of this one. Another book I found looking for books for a reading challenge. I found the subject quite fascinating and I did quite like the a first half of the book.
Set in the 1700s th story is about a girl who lives in a cottage at the ruins of a monastery with her father who is an apothecary. She helps tend the gardens and grow veggies and things but there is a certain garden with all her fathers' dangerous plants that is forbidden to her. She was interesting enough, if a little flat personalty wise, she was rather innocent and shelted. She comes out of her shell though when a mysterious boy is brought to their cottage. The boy has the ability to speak to plants. The develop a friendship which blossoms into a romance in this wonderful background of apothecaries and plants and learning about them was quite interesting.
During the last half of the novel when something happens to the girl...the plot takes a weird turn. I could understand what was going on, but...eh, I didn't like it as much as first half of the book and it was easy to spot who the villain of the story was right away. It also ended in a way I thought was quite....abrupt.
Issues with th plot aside it was well written, clearly well researched and had a nice flow to the tone. An easy read and certainly recommended to anyone looking for a YA that's a bit different.
And a squar crossed off for Bookish bingo challenge - about plants or wilderness, this book was about plants.