Title: The Sinister Silhouette
Author: Alex Grayson
Genre: Romance Suspense
She whispers my name at night, filling my dreams with her haunting beauty. Her tormented amber eyes
beg me for something I don’t understand, and her agonizing pain becomes my own.
For years, she’s come to me, calling my name.
For years, I’ve never known who she was.
Until now….
The more I read this author the more I love her books.This story evoked so many emotions in me one minute I was scared the next nervous the next cringing and the whole time sitting on the seat of my pants to see what will happen next.
This story had a great cast of characters and I have to say I loved Luca and his family as the were just awesome.The story had so many twists and turns that it made it totally engrossing and definitely a page turner.I loved how Luca had a tattoo shop and was and artist I love when a character has a craft and the fact that his shop was filled with interesting characters as well as his sister Ella who really livened things up quite a bit."I just loved her sense of humor!'
I always pick a favorite character and mine is Luca .I loved him from the onset and fell in love with him after his interaction with his niece .So many sweet moments...
Jules was another character that you had to admired as she constantly kept getting dealt a raw deal but, each and every time it just made her a stronger person.One of the things I loved about her the most is how she listened to her instincts and paid attention to those gut feelings of hers when it came to Theo as she sensed right from the very beginning something was off with him but with Luca she felt safe even learning all about him.
This story had a complicated plot and a ton of heartbreak,secrets,betrayals creating a really dark story but as the story progressed it brought happiness and second chances at rediscovering the love you once shared with the one you loved.For me it was a great story all around even with the content because all along you knew there was just so much more to the story and couldn't wait for it all unfold as you knew in you heart Luca had to be innocent in this sinister plot .
A gripping story from beginning to end and we loved it and highly recommend it to all.
5 stars from us
Alex Grayson is the bestselling author of heart pounding, emotionally gripping contemporary romance including the Jaded Series, the Consumed Series, and two standalone novels. Her passion for books was reignited by a gift from her sister-in-law. After spending several years as a devoted reader and blogger, Alex decided to write and independently publish her first novel in 2014 (an endeavor that took a little longer than expected). The rest, as they say, is history.
Originally a southern girl, Alex now lives in Ohio with her husband, two children, two cats and dog. She loves the color blue, homemade lasagna, casually browsing real estate, and interacting with her readers. Visit her website, www.alexgraysonbooks.com, or find her on social media!