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review 2017-02-28 00:11
The Way My Heart Loves You
The Way My Heart Loves You, An Anthology - Dawn Jiles,Trinity Dekane,J. Summers

Title: The Way My Heart Loves You" [An Anthology]
Author: Dawn Jiles, Trinity Dekane , & J. Summers
Publisher: Raquel Williams Presents
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The Way My Heart Loves You" An Anthology by Dawn Jiles, Trinity Dekane, & J. Summers

My Synopsis:

A Hustler Stole My Heart by Dawn Jiles ...

Sometime many things are not to be as it was for Jules and Ramia especially when Victoria comes back into the picture! What will happen as someone else steps into the picture? "Hearts will be shattered and many deep secrets will be revealed, leaving you with your mouth wide open."

Real Love or Naw by Trinity Dekane....

What will happen for these two ...Danny and Stephanie as it seems that all the odds are against them.
"Will these two find a way to stay together or will they allow others to interrupt their union?"

‘Til Death by J. Summers ...

Wow, what a interesting anthology that you will have to pick up and read for yourself. When it seems like all has failed....and fate has comes to Maine what will be left for Sade?... "Will her efforts and sacrifice to save her love prove to be worthy or will they be a all in vain?" What a ending for Maine and Sade!

I enjoyed all three of these anthologies. These authors did a wonderful job with there stories making them seem so very real. I would recommend this novel "The Way My Heart Love You" to all of you who especially like unexpected endings.

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review 2017-02-14 19:25
Samaria: Warrior Princess
Samaria: Warrior Princess (Volume 1) - Jaxx Summers

Title: Samaria
Author: Jaxx Summers
Publisher: Cultural Cocktails
Series: Volume One
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Samaria" by Jaxx Summers

My Thoughts....

This was a enjoyable read especially if you are into interracial paranormal romance. It will be quite interesting to see how this entertaining story will come out about this vampire Viking [Alarik] and warrior princess [Samaria].Will this Viking be able to save Samaria from her wicked sister [Nzinga] before it's too late? Be ready for one phenomenal amazing ride of good and evil that will definitely keep your attention as you will be kept turning the pages and yes, left wanting more. Now to get the rest of this captivating story the reader will have to get the next part.

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review 2016-06-12 17:05
Mila Summers - Küss mich wach (Tales of Chicago 1)
Küss mich wach (Tales of Chicago) - Mila Summers
Eigentlich hielt Stacy es für eine gute Idee, dem lukrativen Stellenangebot Hals über Kopf zu folgen. Die Seifenblase zerplatzt schnell, nachdem sie vor Ort feststellen muss, dass der Job bereits vergeben ist. Ohne einen Penny in der Tasche fasst sie einen folgenschweren Entschluss und reist per Anhalter weiter. Mitch Havisham, Anwalt aus Memphis, nimmt sie mit nach Chicago. Während der Fahrt macht er ihr ein unmoralisches Angebot und lässt nicht locker, ehe sie schließlich einwilligt…
Taschenbuch: 166 Seiten
Verlag: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (11. August 2015)
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 1515133141
ISBN-13: 978-1515133148
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 12,7 x 1,1 x 20,3 cm
Eigene Meinung:
Ich konnte das Buch im Rahmen einer Wanderbuchaktion von Katis Bücherwelt lesen und habe mich wirklich darüber gefreut, weil ich schon lange mal ein Buch von Mila Summers lesen sollte.
"Küss mich wach" ist der Debütroman von Mila Summers und sie befasst sich mit einem Thema, das in der Literatur immer und immer neu behandelt wird, mit der Liebe. 
Als ich den Klappentext das erste Mal las, dachte ich etwas an die Geschichte von Aschenputtel, aber "Küss mich wach" hat nur entfernt damit zu tun, auch wenn die Konstellation im Buch an sich nicht neu ist. 
Stacy, die eigentlich nur eine neue Stelle antreten will, verpasst einfach die Chance und Mitch erzählt immer seiner Familie von einer Frau, die er angeblich hat, aber die es gar nicht gibt und beide treffen sich mitten auf der Strasse und dann beginnt ein Abenteuer, das die Leben der beiden verändern soll...
Mila Summers versteht es einfach, eine Geschichte auch auf wenige Seiten zu verpacken, es sind zwar nur 166 Seiten, aber auf denen wird so viel erzählt, dass man am Ende meint, dass man dann einen recht dicken Roman gelesen hat, obwohl man das eigentlich nicht hat. 
Der Schreibstil von Mila Summers ist sehr angenehm und einnehmend und man taucht so in die Geschichte ein und kann der Geschichte auch gut folgen.
Die 166 Seiten lesen sich weg wie nichts und man ist eigentlich traurig, dass man das Buch schon durch hat, weil man sich wirklich in Stacy und Mitch verliebt, auch wenn beide Charaktere manchmal etwas hart und unsympathisch wirken. Aber der Eindruck revidiert sich innerhalb des Buches sehr schnell, weil sie beide offenbaren, warum sie so sind, wie sie sind. 
Mila Summers verpackt eine zuckersüße Liebesgeschichte mit Hochs und Tiefs wunderbar in einen kleinen Road-Trip, der dann am Ende in die Katastrophe gipfelt, weil Stacy und auch Mitch sich einfach nicht klar darüber sind, was sie eigentlich wollen und dann einfach Entscheidungen treffen, die sie eigentlich nicht wollen...
Durch den Schreibstil von Mila Summers ist das Buch ein echter Paigeturner und liest sich weg wie nichts. Wer gerne Märchenadaptionen mag, sollte das Buch unbedingt lesen. 
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url 2016-04-28 02:46
Spring Book Haul 2016

Even though I'm moving in a couple of months, I seem to have a penchant for buying books. I mean, my bookshelf is teeming with books that I still haven't read and WHAT DO I DO? I BUY EVEN MORE BOOKS. Ugh, I dread when I'll have to lug these sluggers with me to the Post Office for shipping. BUT ANYWAY LET'S BE CHEERFUL. LET'S LOOK AT THE AWESOMENESS I BOUGHT AND HAVE READ!

The Books That I've Read:

1. The Winner's Kiss - Marie Rutkoski

I LOVE the Winner's trilogy. The Winner's Crime was on my Best Books of 2015 list, The Winner's Curse was onmy Best Books of 2014 list. I nominated The Winner's Crime in the Epic Reads Book Shimmy Awards and probably have mentioned these books at multiple points, in multiple posts in this blog (5 Fantasy Authors I Fangirl Over,Preview of 2015 Books, Review: The Winner's Curse, TBR: Releases to Watch Out For, Review: The Winner's Crime, My Reading Profile, & more). It should thus come as no surprise to you that I pre-ordered The Winner's Kiss and spent the 29th reading that book. Also spent the weekend and week before trying to sneak peeks at the book through Amazon excerpt, which is an obsessive habit I have when I reaaaaaally want to read a book (until I shake and distract myself by doing something else).


Ahem, anyways. This book surprised me in a lot of ways, all of them good. I also understand why they changed the covers -- the girl in the ball gown no longer fits the horrific scenes of war. If the first book set the grounds for the differences between the two countries and the romance, establishing our link with Arin and Kestrel; and if the second book delved deeper into strategy, games, political intrigue, alliances and quiet rebellion amid heartbreaking loss; then the third book was about all of that coming to head. War. Violence. The consequences of the politics between these three major countries. The differences in beliefs and how they've shaped our characters' attitudes and hopes but how there's still common ground to be had. The power of love and stories, forgiveness and new life amid an onslaught of death. As always, lots of character development, beautiful writing, romance, political intrigue, strategy, intriguing world-building, and more. Yes to these books.

The second book reminded me a little of Bitterblue (by Kristin Cashore). This book reminded me a little of the Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner and the His Fair Assassin trilogy by Robin LaFevers. Right now, I can't think of a good comp title for the first book, but I think that if you like any of the aforementioned books, you should definitely try The Winner's trilogy.

2. Summers at Castle Auburn - Sharon Shinn

Sharon Shinn is mentioned by a lot of fantasy authors, it seems. So I wanted to try one of her books, and Summers at Castle Auburn is the one that was recommended. If you read my Learning from Books as a Reader (Changing Reader Tastes) post, you know that I'm not a huge fan of books that begin with the main character as a child. Summers at Castle Auburn does that. But it also does something which I am a HUGE fan of -- twining the romance in with the main plot very heavily, and also making the main character's coming-of-age twined in with her realization that her initial crush sucks and that the real romantic interest is the one she loves. If you watched my booktube video, you saw how many dogeared pages there was. That's because when the romance is that way, I bookmark basically every page there's even the slightest encounter between the main character and the romantic interest. It makes no sense, but I love it, and I read Summers at Castle Auburn the day before I was presenting a poster at a research conference, and clearly I should've gotten sleep. Instead I read. And had a book hangover. *Sigh*

3. Serpentine - Cindy Pon

I read Serpentine a while ago. I reviewed Serpentine, nominated Serpentine in the Epic Reads Book Shimmy Awards, and included Serpentine in my Best Books of 2015 list as well as my Cinderella Book tag. I ordered Serpentine when I pre-ordered The Winner's Kiss, so the book didn't arrive until just now, but I'm happy to finally have my own shiny copy... and y'all should read the book too! Highly recommended from me (just check out any of those links!).

4. The Wrath and the Dawn - Renee Ahdieh

Like with Serpentine, The Wrath and the Dawn I had already read. I just wanted to own a copy. Persian culture is slightly different from Middle Eastern culture, I think, but as someone with Middle Eastern heritage, I can say that Renee Ahdieh capture the essence of Arab culture pretty well.

The Books That I Have Yet to Read:

5. A Fierce and Subtle Poison - Samantha Mabry

A Fierce and Subtle Poison was on my 2016 YA Debuts I Want to Read list. As I mentioned in my Best Books of 2015 list, I want to read more Young Adult Magical Realism novels-- so much so that I made a list of my current YA Magical Realism recommendations. When I was in the Strand, I read the first couple of chapters of A Fierce and Subtle Poison and really loved both the writing and the setting of Puerto Rico (though I think that I still needed to attach the main character). The book has been blurbed by both Nova Ren Suma and Laura Ruby, and I love their books too, so I'm looking forward to finishing this one later!

6. Feed - M.T. Anderson

Ameriie at Books Beauty Ameriie recommended Feed to me a while ago, particularly the audiobook. But my library doesn't have the audiobook, and when I saw that Feed was at the Strand for only a few dollars and that Feed was "out of print," I bought it anyways. When I'm in a more science fiction mood, I'll read this one. I'm pretty sure it's considered a classic of YA literature too.

7. The Riddle-Master trilogy - Patricia A. McKillip

The Riddle-Master trilogy has one of my favorite opening chapters ever. If you read my Learning from Books as a Reader (Changing Reader Tastes) post, you know that I was pretty entranced with this book. The first chapter introduces us to the main character, who is a land-owner. Traders are coming, so he tells his brother and sister to go about their duties. There are also childhood friends and others who are in the crowd when they find out about the traders. So, you get a clear sense of the immediate duties and setting for the MC's family and life (as well as a sense of the personalities of each of these side characters as they interact with each other). Then, you learn that the MC's parents disappeared a while ago, and that the siblings have all grieved in their own way, and his way was to go off on an adventure, solve a riddle, and a win a crown from a ghost. This backstory is revealed in a convincing way -- whereby we see his family recognizing that he's acting weird, and they confront him, and so we see what normal family dynamics are like, as well as when one of them is acting strangely. We get a sense of the main character's personality through his interactions with his family, his daily duties, and his backstory, and we get a sense of what the central conflict will be, since winning this crown clearly has consequences and implications that the main characters doesn't know yet. It's awesome. I felt like my brain got bigger reading that beginning, and so I immediately bought the entire trilogy. Can't wait to read the books!

SO, those were the books I bought this past spring. What are you planning on reading soon? What have you bought recently? Have you read any of these books? Let's discuss!
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review 2015-09-01 14:22
This Is Not a Test
This is Not a Test - Courtney Summers

So I liked the characters in this one, and Summers’ taut, elegaic prose really works well here. But I’m just fundamentally not very interested in zombie books, I guess. I don’t feel the urgency and sense of stakes, and so while the conflict between the students and the exploration of Sloane’s reactions kept me reading, it didn’t ever complete engage me.

Source: bysinginglight.wordpress.com/2015/09/01/august-2015-round-up-2
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