Hurry and you can download this free from publisher TOR here.
Publisher page for more book details here.
There's also a bookclub for these Tor freebies here.
Hurry and you can download this free from publisher TOR here.
Publisher page for more book details here.
There's also a bookclub for these Tor freebies here.
Download from here. Unusual for them -- they mention to check back on May 4 so maybe that's when next freebie will be available.
There's also a booklikes bookclub to read these freebies at TOR Monthly free ebook book club.
Publisher page for more info on the book is here. It's also the NPR Best Book of the Year.
Go to https://ebookclub.tor.com/ to download (they do ask for your email) until April 20.
Publisher's page for more book details is here.
Book club on booklikes is here.