Go to https://ebookclub.tor.com/ to download (they do ask for your email) until April 20.
Publisher's page for more book details is here.
Book club on booklikes is here.
Go to https://ebookclub.tor.com/ to download (they do ask for your email) until April 20.
Publisher's page for more book details is here.
Book club on booklikes is here.
Yay! I got my email for this one without signing up still yet again. Maybe (I say maybe because it looked more like the usual newsletter which had a blurb about free ebook than the ebook notice I used to get).
Boo! Says was made available June 12 and can only download through June 15. But, I just got the email.
At any rate, hurry up to download from https://ebookclub.tor.com/ . To see publisher's details on book - https://us.macmillan.com/books/9780765376466
With TOR putting their monthly ebook freebie program on hold, our booklikes bookclub is going rogue, off the grid, off schedule, free range ... nominate and vote for any books that might be remotely suited for TOR (speculative fiction, fantasy, science fiction ...).
Above, I displayed some of the currently nominated ones; visit the link and scroll down to nominate, vote and edit your voting. (Or click the "Next Books" tab in the bookclub if you lose this post/link.)
Books with most votes will be our September book, the next most likley the October book (will look at current voting in case that changes during September) ..
Vote for as many as you like. Nominating a book automatically votes for it. If you click "Remove" that will remove your vote, not the book.
So, looks like TOR has put the ebook club on hold until 2018 when a new one is being introduced. Haven't abandoned the booklikes bookclub for it—but, new ones are on hold until TOR brings it back or members want to backtrack through older offerings or nominate pretty much any SF/Fantasy book for the next reads.
At https://ebookclub.tor.com TOR sayS:
July 2017 concludes the first year of the Tor.com Ebook Club.
Thanks for subscribing and downloading!
We'll be taking a break to gear up for the club's second year, kicking off in 2018.
Phèdre once more hints that if she had only known then what was to come … ya know what? I don't give a shit what's to come. DNF.
I realize I let my impression of her childhood as being groomed into child trafficking color my opinion of this.
But, holy cow, what is in this for me to get into? I'm not bowled over by the writing -- it's decent but hardly immersive or that excellent. I don't like the society, the characters, the storyline of pandering out these kids even though as promised at the 25% mark she at least is sounding more adult, the so-called politics that are supposed to be such hot shit with this pederast's wet dream and justification of child abuse and slavery.
I usually DNF very quickly. I held out hope that this one might pick up enough to make me forget the beginning chapters because so well-recommended and because was reading for a booklikes bookclub August read. I hate to bail on a bookclub read ...
If you do want to join in the bookclub read, it's at http://booklikes.com/book-clubs/88/tor-monthly-free-ebook-science-fiction-and-fantasy