I sure know I am rofl. After three gruelling months, I'm done completely. I think I've done pretty well for myself though, considering I've been playing catch-up all this time since I was sick on my study break week off classes. Boy, all those sleepless nights and that jazz has really caught up with me in the pass few weeks to be honest.
Unfortunately I don't really have all that much time to breath in terms of actually being "done". I start work tomorrow...or rather I don't know if I do but I do go in tomorrow to fill in the paperwork and whatnot.
Really, all I'd really ask is for a week or so off just to sleep and to write and take my life back in order. I've literally been a machine all these months and quite frankly I think my brain has forgot to function in the "normal" sense that I need it to be rofl. Since I don't really have that luxury, I fear my lack of sleep is going to get me into trouble or something. But who knows at this point in time.
On the other hand, I can freely attempt to regain my writing mood coupled with my love for reading again without worrying about assignments and essays tormenting me for hours endlessly. Yup, that's right, I'm going to be working on my various writing projects throughout this summer. Hopefully I have something to show for by the end of it.
Oh, and before I forget. Last Thursday I just got the request for an interview, meaning I passed the test for this job I really want! It's so exciting!! However, I don't know when I'll be interviewed. They stated it will happen anytime in May-July. So by August maybe or rather September, I'm hoping I'll have the job. ^_^
Anyways, I have to get going, not too much of my day is left considering I have to get up at 5am or so to be at work for 9am. o_e;