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review 2015-03-14 20:11
Review: One of the Best Vampire Romances I have read!

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This review is from: Second Nature (Blood At First Sight Book 1) (Kindle Edition)
One of the Best Vampire Romances I have read! I really enjoyed reading this book. Very well written and easy to read. This book is on my "favorites" book shelf... to be treasured! This story has it all...and best part is the happy ending. Left me wanting to read more about these two, and their future adventures together. So looking forward to reading many more stories by this author! If you are looking for a great Vampire romance... I Highly recommend this book!
Source: www.amazon.com/review/R2KAHCNAMJRW2Y
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review 2011-09-19 00:00
Vampires Rule (The Rule #1) - K.C. Blake
As a lover of the written word and an overprotective much too involved mother not to mention a fan of the sups world, the title Vampires Rule caught my attention when my 11 year old wanted to read it. We just couldn’t wait to sink our teeth into this one (pun poorly intended). I try not to judge books by their covers (my daughter however, does), but I did find the cross on the VR cover to be eye-catching and it left many question and I had to dive in too see where it would lead.

Once purchased, the fight ensued between my daughter and I as too who would have VR on their kindle first. Ha! I won, due to the fact I review books for a web-site; thanks for that HC, (I owe you another). In spite of this, I was also reviewing five other books at the time, so she took the opportunity to swipe the book from me. Thus began the great debate VR adult v/s child.

As the debate raged on it was obvious we had different options regarding the originality of the story line. Yes, I can see how to younger readers the story may seem original, but to the older reader or adults, not so much. It’s easy to feel out the subtle whispers of books and shows the author has enjoyed in his past. Whether he happen to occasionally read popular books such as Swoon, Vampire Academy, and others too many too name; or catch episodes of television shows such as Buffy, Angel, Supernatural and Dead Zone, there influences are dominate throughout.

We did manage to agree on a few things. First it was obvious the author had intentions on a series by splitting the novel up into two books before the big climax. (More $$money that way I suppose.) As readers we vote big fight climax then leave us hanging on another story line. Second, it fell somewhat flat. The characters seemed forced and considerably unrealistic. Third, not that I am perfect; (avid user of ABC spell/grammar check and benchmark and geese…do I need it!) I found several errors in spelling and plot changes.

No one is perfect least of all me; though I did enjoy the read and the debate with my daughter’s. I would suggest it for the Jr. High/ Middle School girls as my eighteen year old was just not that into it saying, “It’s poorly written, just right for the Bieber Fever kids.”
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review 2011-05-29 00:00
Vampires Rule (The Rule #1)
Vampires Rule (The Rule #1) - K.C. Blake Now, I know the cover doesn't say much but this book is really good. Let's not judge a book by its cover. The storyline of the book is great! I really fell into the storyline, especially with learning about the past about Jack and his future with Silver.Let me first off say that I adore books that have not only a great plot line, but a great back round or history. I really like how the reader was able to devour each part of this vampire/werewolf history little by little. Secrets were discovered, and others were made. The diary that foretold all of the history made the story much more juicier. As the reader gets more into the history of the story, you see its profound affect on the future and the characters. The characters were another part of this story that was hit spot on. I like how the characters went through many changes. You saw them not only grow but adapt.The love interest in this story, I liked. I like how Silver and Jack's future were intertwined. I like how easily they fell into ease with each other. But what really got me by the heart was Jack. I know he made some tough choices, but it showed his love for her. Vampires Rule is a dark book filled with a lost history discovered, new secrets revealed, and a future that will unravel your mind. I can't wait to read the next book and see what the future holds for Jack and Silver!
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review 2011-05-06 00:00
Vampires Rule (The Rule #1) - K.C. Blake This is the first self-published book I've ever read and I can't say I regret it. K.C. Blake has a great story here. Unfortunately, the book could've of used one or two more edits. Actually, my only qualm with the book is the spelling and grammatical errors in it. They weren't so awful that they jerked you out of the book though, not for me at least. It's really sad she couldn't find a publisher for this book because I bet it would really popular if she'd been able to get one. On to the review....

I really loved Vampires Rule's story. It was different and fresh to me. I'm somewhat hesitant to give the book four stars but really, the biggest reason why it's getting four stars is because the story was so entertaining. The characters were wonderful and, ironically, my favorite character was Jersey Clifford (the bad guy). I liked how he was refined and calculating. If not for the wonderfully entertaining story and awesome characters, I'd give the book three stars. Of course, that's because of the errors in it otherwise it'd get four stars easy.

I'm not a big fan of vampire books. But I really enjoyed reading this book. Despite all its imperfections, it pulled me right into the story. I stayed up until almost eleven p.m. the day I started this book and, by the time I was forced to put it away, I was less than thirty pages from the end. I would've finished it the same day but I was reading it on the computer so I couldn't. K. C. Blake definitely has talent here. One or two more edits and this book would have been flawlessly executed.
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