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Welcome to the Spring Fever Giveaway Party!
A dozen authors over at YA Author Rendezvous have put an awesome giveaway together – with over TWENTY chances to win!
One grand-prize winner will walk away with a signed, first edition hardback of Witch and Wizard which just so happens to be written by one of the biggest names in fiction – JAMES PATTERSON! On top of that, they get a $100 amazon gift-card!
And all if takes is a minute or two and a few clicks of the mouse.
Check out these other amazing prizes they have for you here.
From the book cover
The Wizard is Lost.
The Witch is Angry.
The Enemy is Relentless.
They will never see the end coming...
I must say that when I started this book I was a little over what felt like the same plot: Evil Adult tries to control the city & control magic, Evil outsider wizard threatens the city, the Witch & Wizard save the day. But, I ended up really enjoying this book.
Darrius is the evil wizard and he is a great character. Some of the chapters are told from his point of view so we get to see inside his warped mind. Whit's motivations are a little hard to understand at points. He makes a huge decision without seeming to put much thought into it and then regrets it later - as we as readers knew he would. Wisty is the same firebrand character who never thinks before she acts but still manages to survive. There are a couple of characters in this book that I didn't expect to see again. This book brings together elements from all the previous books and finally ties them all together. There are some unexpected twists and surprises toward the end of the book.
Recommended to:
Overall a great series for middle grades and young adults, especially if you like Patterson's style and magical worlds.
-The First Truth-
Know The Self.
Illusions Trick The Eyes,
But Not The Inner Eye.
-The Second Truth-
Know The Family.
Trust Is Not Truth;
It Is But A Flickering Flame.
-The Third Truth-
Know Light From Dark.
Magic Is Not Equal To Righteousness.
A Wizard May Destroy Or Save.
A City Hangs In The Balance.
-from the first page
The Fire was the final book in the original Witch & Wizard trilogy. It wrapped up things nicely. So, going into this book, Whit & Wisty and the entire city are all celebrating the end of the evil dictator The One. But, of course things can't stay happy or there wouldn't be a story. There is a new threat, the Wizard King on the mountain. And there is a new government. A council made up of 17 men & women and 17 kids including Wisty & Whit. The head of the council, General Bloom is also a problem. He wants to control things and takes his newfound power too far. The Wizard King has cut off the city's water supply and children have been vanishing from the city. Whit takes off on a peaceful mission to the mountain to negotiate with the Wizard King. And Wisty chooses to stay behind with a mysterious wizard named Heath.
I enjoyed this book. It seemed totally separate from the original trilogy, with new locations and characters popping up that we never heard of before. But, it is another exciting adventure for Whit & Wisty. She is a difficult character to like because she is so hot-headed and always flying off the handle (not a good thing when you can't control your magic and you start fires). But I get her. She seems to fall really fast for this new wizard (Heath) without too much hesitation considering she doesn't really know him. But I guess that's young love in the wizard world. ;) Whit is likable but I wish his powers were stronger. I liked the conflict between the siblings and that they learn they are stronger together.
There were some fun twists towards the end and one especially that I didn't see coming (though some of you may). A fun, very quick read. Overall another good book in the series and great for middle school students.
Recommended to:
Young adults and middle school students. There is magic and adventure, a little romance and a strong brother/sister bond.