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text 2020-06-18 09:02
Coronavirus: Causes, symptoms and treatment

The newly emerged virus infection, Covid-19, took lives of million people all around the world. The outbreak is believed to have started from Wuhan, China which eventually spread worldwide. The situation worsened day by day in every country, leading the World Health Organisation (WHO) to declare Covid-19, a pandemic.

About the virus

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses from bat mammal, that can cause illnesses such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). There are still numerous types of coronavirus that are yet to be discovered which are circulating amongst animals and haven’t yet affected humans. The virus responsible for 2019 pandemic is known as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or SAR- CoV-2.

Causes of coronavirus spread

Certain sources point at Wuhan wet market to be the root cause of the pandemic due to slaughtering of wild animals. But, researchers aren’t sure of what is the exact cause. Although, humans get the infection from contact with animals, which then can spread from human to human. It can The virus follows a chain pattern transmission. The R0 value is the factor used by scientists, to know the contagious level of a virus. In case of Covid-19, the value is 2 to 2.5, which means one virus can infect two people that eventually after ten rounds of transmission cycle can infect more than 2047 sick. So, this is a serious threat to mankind.

Symptoms of coronavirus

The symptoms of the coronavirus infection are similar to common flu and upper respiratory tract infection. Symptoms range from mild to severe. It takes 2 to four days after exposure for symptoms to develop. Common symptoms are fever, cough and tiredness. In some cases, these common symptoms may have occurred due to common flu, get it checked and these medications are available at any medical store home delivery provision. Other symptoms include shortness of breath or difficulty while breathing, muscle aches, chills, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, headache and chest pain. There are some less common symptoms that are reported like rashes, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Aged people of who have existing chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, severe obesity, chronic, who have compromised immune system and kidney or liver disease may be at higher risk of serious illness. Few people may have pneumonia too, about a week after symptoms start.

Diagnosis of coronavirus

If you experience the symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in contact with someone diagnosed of the same, consult a doctor or clinic immediately to seek medical advice. Doctor may run tests to rule out other common infections using a blood, saliva or tissue sample. Most tests use a cotton swab to retrieve a sample from the inside of the nostrils. The sample will be sent to designated laboratory for further testing where it is analysed by means of a technique known as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This technique detects the genetic layout of any infectious viral stain in the tissue of the patient and displays a match with that of SARS- CoV-2 strain of coronavirus, if the two resemble each other exactly then the patient is declared coronavirus positive. Another method is antibody testing, where the blood sample of the person is obtained by prick on fingers followed by examining for antibodies that may have been synthesised to combat the coronavirus.

Treatment for coronavirus

There is no treatment or cure for an infection of coronavirus. Although, research is on process as to discovery of vaccine or drug for the same. Recently, UK scientists have recommended ‘Dexamethasone’ tablets which they claim to have helped to save lives pf people seriously ill with coronavirus. According to an analytics firm, GlobalData, out of 21 ongoing coronavirus trials, 16 have produced positive results. Nearly 69% of these clinical trials are currently in phase I and phase Ⅱ. There are more 597 planned clinical trials in the coming month. Hope, a key treatment drug for Covid-19 emerge soon.

According to WHO, around 80% of people who get Covid-19 will recover without the need of hospitalization. While, the remaining 20% become seriously ill and develop difficulty in breathing. And of people whose test turn negative for Covid-19 but might have other common infection can take medicines as prescribed and follow isolation for some days. One can continue their medication and avoid public appearances by availing orders through best healthcare service provider in India.   


It’s necessary for all to maintain both physical and mental health. One must follow the safety measures of wearing mask and gloves and maintain social distancing. The rules laid by respective governments has to be taken seriously to stop the transmission of coronavirus.

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review 2020-04-06 06:45
Tak było, czyli kroniki czasów zarazy (bezpłatnie w Virtualo)
Kroniki koronawirusowe - Malcolm XD

Pisane na bieżąco pasty o życiu w obliczu pandemii wuhańskiego koronawirusa, błyskawicznie (niczym koronawirus) przeskoczyły ze świata heheinternetów do e-booka. Chwała Empikowi, że szybko i zdecydowanie zareagował, wydając sześć past szast-prast. Dzięki temu, po raz kolejny, Malcolm XD może rzesze Polek i Polaków raczyć inteligentną rozrywką ku pokrzepieniu serc. Będzie też pamiątka, będzie można powiedzieć dzieciom i wnukom - tak było!


Tak było! Półki, gdzie zwykle zalegał papier toaletowy (Kraków, 12 III 2020 r.)


Książkę w formie e-booka można teraz pobrać bezpłatnie z księgarni Virtualo, która przygotowała wersję elektroniczną. Pliki dostępne są tutaj.

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text 2020-03-19 05:30
Bezpłatne e-booki: #covibook i #zdalnenauczanie

Pojawiło się ostatnio kilka publikacji popularyzujących tematykę pandemii koronawirusa z Wuhanu. Jednym z szerszych opracowań jest opis podstawowych zasad postępowania i, co ważniejsze, diagnozowania osób chorych. Książka "Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment" opracowana została na bazie doświadczeń pekińskich lekarzy. Z racji pojawienia się wirusa covid-19 w chińskim Wuhanie, to tamtejsi medycy mają najdłuższe doświadczenia zawodowe na jego temat. Są w podręczniku rzeczy dość podstawowe, ale i specyficzne, związane z diagnostyką. Bezpłatny e-book udostępniono na razie w języku chińskim i angielskim. W przygotowaniu są inne tłumaczenia. Plik w formie pliku PDF można pobrać ze strony Alibaby.


"Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment" z pozdrowieniami od pekińskich lekarzy (źródło: alibaba.com)


Powstała także edukacyjna książeczka dla dzieci - #covibook. Można ją np. wydrukować i wykorzystać do kolorowania oraz porozmawiania z młodszymi czytelnikami o sytuacji, która na pewno i ich dotyka (przynajmniej emocjonalnie). Wydaje mi się, że taka lektura może pomóc rodzicom przekazać w spokojnym i niekatastroficznym wydaniu ważne informacje o codziennej profilaktyce. Pośród różnych wersji językowych, jest także polska. Plik PDF można pobrać ze strony projektu.




W poprzednim wpisie wspominałem o uwolnieniu zasobów edukacyjnych przez francuskie wydawnictwa. Również u nas Nowa Era przywróciła bezpłatny dostęp do swoich podręczników dla uczniów szkół podstawowych. To publikacje, które niekiedy były już wcześniej w sieci w postaci tzw. flipbooków. Jednak od zeszłego roku można przeglądać tylko ich fragmenty. Teraz znowu udostępniono je w całości. Bezpłatny dostęp obowiązuje do końca bieżącego roku szkolnego. Informacje o działaniach wydawnictwa znaleźć można na specjalnej stronie na temat zdalnego nauczania.


Podręczniki Nowej Ery dostępne nieodpłatnie do końca roku szkolnego (źródło: www.nowaera.pl)



Wciąż trwają opisywane przeze mnie promocje na #czaszarazy.

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review 2017-02-23 00:00
The Wild Beasts of Wuhan
The Wild Beasts of Wuhan - Ian Hamilton Another adding to this stylish series. I just love with how much detail and thoughtfulness the story goes.
Now I'm officially a fan of Ms Ava Lee and Mr Ian Hamilton's writing.

Still I can't help myself mentionng a bit of funny idiosyncrasy about this book: Ms Lee is an accountant. This is punctuated by a certain repetitiveness of her mundane choices, namely the stuff she wears and the drinks she drinks.

In this installment Ms Lee is still depicted as one of the most Starbucks VIA instant coffee-loving persons under the moon:
1/ She made herself a cup of Starbucks VIA instant coffee and collected the South China Morning Post that was waiting for her at the door.
2/ She rolled out of bed, boiled water in the hotel kettle, and made her first Starbucks VIA instant coffee of the morning.
3/ She quickly made a Starbucks VIA instant coffee, downed it, brushed her teeth and hair, put on her running gear, and headed downstairs.
4/ She boiled water in the kettle at the bar and made a Starbucks VIA instant coffee.
5/ She made herself a Starbucks VIA coffee, downed it quickly, put on her running gear, and headed downstairs.

And oh boy, does she love her pumps:
1/ When she put on a bit of makeup, let her black, silky hair hang loose or wore it swept up with one of her collection of clasps and hairpins, and slipped on a slim-fitting skirt with a pair of black leather Cole Haan heels, she turned heads — male and female.
2/ It was almost noon when she walked out of the Ocean Terminal with her Brooks Brothers bags and another from Cole Haan with a pair of black leather pumps.
3/ Ava chose the black cotton slacks and the more modest Cole Haan pumps, and offset the dark palette with her new pink Brooks Brothers shirt.
4/ She chose her pink Brooks Brothers shirt and the black linen slacks, completing the outfit with her black leather Cole Haan pumps.

Aaand her Brooks Brothers which are definitely the winner here:
1/ “There’s a Brooks Brothers store in Tsim Sha Tsui,”
2/ The Brooks Brothers store was on the third floor of the Ocean Terminal.
3/ Ava had been dressing in Brooks Brothers for years. The crisp, tailored look fit the image she wanted to project as an accountant, as a serious professional.
4/ There were four Brooks Brothers stores in Hong Kong, but Ava knew from previous trips that this one was the largest and had the best selection of women’s clothing.
5/ It was almost noon when she walked out of the Ocean Terminal with her Brooks Brothers bags and another from Cole Haan with a pair of black leather pumps.
6/ Ava chose the black cotton slacks and the more modest Cole Haan pumps, and offset the dark palette with her new pink Brooks Brothers shirt.
7/ The other women eyed Ava, in her pink Brooks Brothers shirt and black slacks, with either suspicion or disdain.
8/ She stepped out of the shower and towelled herself off, then put on her blue-and-white pinstriped shirt and her cotton Brooks Brothers slacks.
9/ She dressed, the second Steinum sweater going over the black Brooks Brothers shirt.
10/ She put the black Brooks Brothers shirt and cotton slacks in the first bag, and in the other the laundry bag from Aalborg with her running gear.
11/ She pulled a Steinum sweater over her T-shirt and Brooks Brothers black linen pants and headed downstairs and out onto the High Street. (right after she got the VIA Starbucks down, yep :))
12/ She put on her black Brooks Brothers shirt and cotton slacks, fixed her hair with the ivory chignon pin, and even put on a little makeup.
13/ She put on the blue-and-white pinstriped Brooks Brothers shirt, her black linen slacks, and her alligator heels.
14/ She chose her pink Brooks Brothers shirt and the black linen slacks, completing the outfit with her black leather Cole Haan pumps.
15/ She packed a fresh set of clothes: a midnight-blue shirt with an Italian collar she had bought during her previous trip to London, a white Brooks Brothers button-down shirt, a clean pair of black Brooks Brothers slacks, and a light tan pencil skirt that came just above the knee.
Yay, definitely the winner to any ad-fest!

:) Now this is just plain funny and goes to say how deeply the brands have permeated everywhere. :)
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review 2014-01-17 15:18
"The Wild Beasts of Wuhan", by Ian Hamilton
The Wild Beasts of Wuhan: An Ava Lee Novel - Ian Hamilton

Book 3, in the Ava Lee Mystery

“The Wild Beasts of Wuhan” brings Ava, a forensic accountant and martial expert to the glamorous underworld of art forgery. This quick-witted, pure class and sexy Chinese Canadian sweetheart is savouring in the opening of this installment the good weather with her family on a Caribbean cruise near Curacao. When Uncle called in an urgent favour, Wong Changxing, one of the most powerful men in China, is livid after discovering his collection of Fauvist painting are forgeries. He has mandated them to get his money back.

With the help of her mentor, Ava traces the provenance of the meticulously forged paintings to Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Dublin, New York and London. She infiltrates prestigious auction houses and uncovers a massive web of corruption. As in the previous books, Ava and her client see things in a total different scope, this time she faces the meddling May Ling, Wong’s manipulative wife, who threatens to interfere in the investigation…

This is another great caper although not as exciting as the two previous. It has far less action and by far more hopping around: lot of plane flights, hotels stays, restaurants meals, and clothes shopping…etc. This aside, the plot is nevertheless, an entertaining dip into the worlds of artistic trickery and as Ava worked through all the clues, we have a tad of suspense for our entertainment. This time around, Ava never seems to be in great danger, no mucking about, no risking life and limb and no kick ass…..all missing incentives to make it a pulse racer. Having said this, I still was hooked from the start and simply zipped through it in no time. Mr. Hamilton has won my heart with this series and looking forward to any of Ava Lee’s escapades.

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