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text 2019-02-21 11:00
Blog Tour & Giveaway with Excerpt! Looking for Dei by David A. Willson!




Hello, Readers! Today I am participating in the tour for a YA fantasy by David A Willson – Looking for Dei! Enjoy and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!






Author: David A. Willson
Pub. Date: March 22, 2018
Publisher: Seeker Press
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, audiobook
Pages: 346


Fifteen-year-old Nara Dall has never liked secrets. Yet it seems that her life has been filled with them, from the ugly scar on her back to the strange powers she possesses. Her mysterious father refuses to say anything about her origins, and soon, she and her best friend must attend the announcement ceremony, in which youths are tested for a magical gift.


A gifted youth has not been announced in the poor village of Dimmitt for decades. When Nara uncovers the reason, she uses her own powers to make things right. The decision sets her on a path of danger, discovery, and a search for the divine. In the process, she learns the truth about herself and uncovers the biggest secret of all: the power of broken people.




Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37751570-looking-for-dei

BookBub - https://www.bookbub.com/books/looking-for-dei-by-david-a-willson

Riffle - https://www.rifflebooks.com/books/1010203

GBooks - https://books.google.com/books?id=khFKuwEACAAJ&dq=david+a+willson+looking+for+dei&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj03p-imszgAhUQKawKHb-XC3gQ6AEILDAA





AVAILABLE in hardcover, paperback, ebook & audiobook

Read For Free With Kindle Unlimited!

Amazon – https://amzn.to/2H6iFsX


Audible - https://amzn.to/2H99qIj


B&N - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/looking-for-dei-david-a-willson/1128010607?ean=9780999615010

TBD - https://www.bookdepository.com/Looking-for-Dei-David-Willson/9780999615010







Veniti Monastery
West of Fairmont
642 P.B.


Bylo had been sleeping in his cot when Phelan woke him with excited chattering.

"They have it wrong," Phelan said. "They misunderstand!" His unkempt white hair, deeply wrinkled skin, and body odor gave witness to both his age and recent lack of hygiene.

"I was trying to sleep," Bylo said as he struggled to rise. "What are you talking about?" he asked, eager for the reason he had been so rudely awakened.

"The runes have meaning, Bylo. Phyili. The twins." Phelan spoke quickly, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "There is no longer any doubt."

Bylo scratched his own head, further mussing his tousled, greying hair. The sounds of boots in the hallway outside the room announced another patrol of soldiers. The queen's men had swarmed the monastery in recent days, with no explanation given by the abbot.

"Say something!" Phelan pleaded.

Bylo took a moment to focus on the frantic words, rubbing his eyes. "Hold on a minute," he said, climbing out of his cot. "The twins have power?"

"The twins aren't the twin peaks; they are actual human twins! Phyili is used in several places, and in the scriptures of First Light, it refers to the gods Dei and Kai as brothers."

Bylo nodded, following along.

"As you know, the runes in the margin modify the meaning of the nouns in the scripture text. In most of the scriptures, when we see the word phyili, we see the god rune in the margin, making it clear that the writer refers to the twin gods. But in Cataclysmos, where we read of the separation, we see another rune in the margin. It is not the god rune but instead the human one!"

"Phelan, the human rune in Cataclysmos is off. Higher in the margin. One would more likely associate it with a phrase above," Bylo said.
"That's what we always thought," Phelan said. "But if so, why no god rune near this passage, or even on this page, like all the others? If referring to a mountain, as many scholars guess, why no earth rune? Phyili is always accompanied by a god rune, but it is not here!"

"How do you account for it?"

"An error," said Phelan. "You should know. As a scribe, you've been trained to illustrate, like an artist. Embellishment, not replication."

"We couldn't anyway, Phelan. We aren't allowed access to the original manuscripts, so we couldn't be accurate if we wanted to."

"Exactly." A powerful pause built, and an impish grin crept across Phelan's face. "So, I stole one.”

"You're crazy!" Bylo said. "From the abbot?" Concern for both his comrade's safety and sanity washed over him. "They'll whip you—if you're lucky!"

"Probably," Phelan said, but the grin remained on his face. "After the abbot left on his latest trip, I made an excuse to return a codex to his quarters. Brother Alen fell for the ruse and allowed me access. I searched the abbot's room. There, I found the oldest manuscript I have ever seen, tucked away in a sealed compartment under his bed. I had no key, so I used a log poker to force the compartment open."

Bylo was horrified. Lying to get into the abbot's room and then destroying his furniture? Not to mention the theft!

"I waited until after you fell asleep before I took my first glance." Phelan continued, leaning in and resting a hand on Bylo's shoulder in a gesture of affection. "If I couldn't confirm my suspicions, I wanted no witnesses to my crime. Not even you."

Bylo was having difficulty with the implications of his friend's offense. "Where is it now?"

The remnants of a prideful smile still on his face, Phelan reached behind to grab something that rested at the foot of the cot. A musty odor tickled Bylo's nose, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of the treasure. Scratches in the leather and yellowed pages gave witness to both its authenticity and fragility.

Phelan spoke in a slow-moving, reverent tone. "This manuscript contains the book of Cataclysmos in the original Breshi script, but the second half of the book is translated to Landian. Every reference to phyili has the god rune in the margin, centered to the right."

"Except one?"

Their eyes locked for a moment, and Phelan turned to one of the final pages. "Yes, except one. The last one, right here, in chapter eighteen of the Landian section. The human rune rests in the margin, not the god rune. Perfectly centered. There can be no mistake."

The implications were earth-shattering.

"Our understanding of Cataclysmos is wrong," Phelan said. "Phyili doesn't mean the twin peaks—we should be looking for an actual human being!”

"A person will become two, Bylo. Somewhere, a woman will give birth to a special child. This child will somehow become separated, like Dei and Kai. Twins, perhaps."

"So how would a child be separated into two?" Bylo asked. "It would die. That doesn't make any sense."
"I don't understand it either, but if we don't find this person, or these twins, someone else will. No good will come from allowing them to fall into wicked hands. Remember the scripture. 'Conflict, pain, and death to many.' Bylo, this child may bring the end of all things. Or perhaps a new beginning."

"You are brilliant, my friend, but there are other scholars in this world. Perhaps employed by the queen and the archbishop. They may have come to the same conclusion. Maybe that is why the soldiers are here, seeking this manuscript and those like it."

"I know," Phelan said.

A hard knock on the closed door sent a shiver down Bylo's spine.

Phelan re-wrapped the text, setting it under the cot. Bylo reached the door, opening it to reveal a man standing outside. Captain insignias were visible on his epaulets as he imposed himself into the room.

"I'm here for Phelan."

A heartbeat later, Phelan stepped forward.

"Come with me," the soldier said, his fingers playing upon the pommel of his sword.

"I'll see you later," Phelan said, then turned to put a hand on Bylo's shoulder.

Barely a whisper in his ear, Bylo heard the last word Phelan would ever say to him.


Then Phelan exited the room with the soldier.

Bylo stood still, contemplating the peril he now faced. His heart pounded against his rib cage, fear battling a rising sense of urgency. After a moment, the urgency won and he resolved to act. He snatched the book and dashed out of the room. If he could make it to the back of the building unseen, he might escape.

A well-timed scurry through several corridors brought him near the exit. As he walked down the final hallway, he heard the first of several bells ring from far within the structure, driving him to burst out of the monastery into the darkness beyond.

In the fields south of the building, he turned to deliver a final gaze at the place he had called home for nearly ten years. The place he thought he would always call home. An ache grew within his breast as he wondered what would become of his friend. Then he turned and ran. He had a special child to find but did not know where to look.





One lucky winner will receive a one hoodie and one mug from the Looking for Dei Facebook shop., US Only.



a Rafflecopter giveaway





David A. Willson has worked as a restauranteur, peace officer, and now, author. Taught by his mother to read at a young age, he spent his childhood exploring magic, spaceships, and other dimensions. In his writing, he strives to bring those worlds to his readers.

Much of his material is inspired by the "Great Land" of Alaska, which he has called home for over 30 years. He lives there with his wife, five children, and 2 dogs. He is passionate about technology, faith, and fiction--not necessarily in that order.

Looking for Dei is Willson's debut novel, set in a land where many more adventures will take place. Stay up to date with his ongoing efforts through the Looking for Dei Facebook page or visiting the website at davidawillson.com.



Website - http://www.davidawillson.com/


Twitter - https://twitter.com/dav_willson


Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lookingfordei/


Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16057925.David_A_Willson





Week One:

1/28/2019- Mythical Books- Excerpt http://mythicalbooks.blogspot.com/

1/29/2019- BookHounds YA- Interview http://www.bookhoundsya.net/

1/30/2019- The Reading Corner for All- Review http://www.thereadingcornerforall.com/

1/31/2019- Two Chicks on Books- Interview http://www.twochicksonbooks.com/

2/1/2019- Smada's Book Smack- Spotlight http://smadasbooksmack.blogspot.com/



Week Two:

2/4/2019- Daily Waffle- Spotlight http://dailywaffle.co.uk/

2/5/2019- Miss Elizabeth- Review https://itsmisselizabeth.wordpress.com/

2/6/2019- Kelly P's Blog- Excerpt http://kellyatx.blogspot.com/

2/7/2019- Character Madness and Musings- Interview https://jenabaxterbooks.blogspot.com/

2/8/2019- Writer of Wrongs- Review http://madamewriterofwrongs.blogspot.com/


Week Three:

2/11/2019- Lisa Loves Literature- Spotlight http://misclisa.blogspot.com/

2/12/2019-Adventures Thru Wonderland- Review https://adventuresthruwonderlandreviews.wordpress.com/

2/13/2019- A Bookish Dream- Review https://abookishdreamblog.wordpress.com/

2/14/2019- Viviana MacKade- Interview https://viviana-mackade.blog/

2/15/2019- A Dream Within A Dream- Excerpt http://adreamwithindream.blogspot.com/


Week Four:

2/18/2019- Finding Magic In Books- Review http://findingmagicinbooks.tumblr.com/

2/19/2019- Hauntedbybooks- Review https://hauntedbybooksblog.wordpress.com/

2/20/2019- Christine's Book Corner- Spotlight https://christinesbookcorner.wordpress.com/

2/21/2019- Stormy Vixen's Book Reviews- Excerpt http://stormyvixen.booklikes.com/

2/22/2019- Oh Hey! Books.- Interview http://www.ohheybooks.com/








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text 2015-11-03 19:52
Ten Young Adult Fantasy Books Not to Miss (Published in 2015)

So being a big young-adult novel reader, I get a lot of requests from friends asking ‘what book should I read?’ (I’m sure many of you do too). So, as I have done in previous years I thought I’d make a little list of young adult fantasy books (including sub-genres) that should not (under any circumstance) be missed that were released so far in 2015. I’m not really one for blurbing other’s books so I’ll link to their pages where you can check out the details. This is in descending order of how much I think they are ‘not to be missed.’


10) Dead of Winter (The Arcana Chronicles #3) by Kresley Cole

So, this book is actually the third book in “The Arcana Chronicles.” This series is amazing, it’s magical-fantasy, dystopian, about as anxty of a romance as you get and just so all around awesome. However, even though it is classified as “young adult” it’s extremely gory and has explicit sex. This book in particular was fantastic, but not my all time favorite in the series. It’s still a five star read though and the series is a ‘miss it and suffer the consequences of never loving it’ series.


9) Six of Crows (The Dregs #1) by Leigh Bardugo


I know there are some that would cry foul that I even put this book as number nine on my list (it’s that good). However, even though it was amazing, I had a hard time getting into the book until about halfway through where it really picked up pace. The book is a fantasy that takes place in Ketterdam another region of Bardugo’s fictional land from her Grisha series. The book is about a team of ‘street rats’ (type) who go on a thought-impossible heist. There is violence and sexual references, some heavy concepts are brushed upon. Definitely a not to be missed book.


8) The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn #1) by Renee Ahdieh


This was the review I wrote right after reading this book: “This book is full of angst, has somewhat of a love triangle, and a love story you feel down to your toes. I was not a big fan of the ending.” Unfortunately, while I remember really loving this book, there have been too many in between to really go into much detail. However, the book was very much a romance and full of tension and emotion. Even though after reading the premise, I didn’t think I would fall in love with this book I did. As I remember, there are some mild sex scenes and mild violence.


7) Darken the Skies (Kricket #3) by Amy A Bartol

So, I am obsessed with this series. It is a cross genre sci-fi/high fantasy/paranormal novel (sounds impossible, doesn’t it?). This particular book (again) wasn’t my favorite in the series but still one of my favorite books of the year. Maybe I’m just a little bitter because it looks like the series might be ending (No!!!!). However, this might be considered New Adult, there are definitely some sex scenes and they get somewhat explicit. I think the main character’s age is eighteen. Tons of anxt and romance and action and spaceships and magic.

6) Empire of Night (Age of Legend # 2) by Kelley Armstrong

This is another book where I remember LOVING it but the details are a little fuzzy (oh, well). This is the second book in a high fantasy series where the main characters are twins whose land is being taken over by a ghost-plague (If I remember correctly). It’s kind of Garth Nixish. If you don’t like Kelley Armstrong’s slow detailed style of writing, however, you will probably not like this series. I love Kelley Armstrong, I am a complete fangirl of her so…there you go. Not for everyone but if you like this kind of book, OMG it’s good.

5) Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) by Sarah J Maas


This is a very popular series (I probably don’t even need to tell you about it, huh?). But I do want to mention that the books start pretty typical YA then grow in scope and character development and world building. This book and series is definitely not to be missed.


4) A Book of Spirits and Thieves (Spirits and Thieves #1) by Morgan Rhodes


So this book is actually a paranormal off-shoot of Morgan Rhodes high fantasy series Falling Kingdoms. Falling Kingdoms is one of my favorite series but when I heard there was going to be paranormal off shoot I was like “Um, no way.” But thank goodness I did not pass it over! It was so good; dare I say that it was even better than Falling Kingdoms. This book does not need to be read after the other series though it does give you fun insight into what is going on. Just…just read it. Seriously.


3) Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge

Rosamund Hodge is the type of author that you either LOVE or don’t get and/or hate. I am firmly in the first category. LOVE is too small a word (even in all caps). She stretches the fantasy genre in the most delicious and amazing ways. And just the way she writes, like she’s painting a picture (in blood, sometimes). I love her work, I love this book. It is about a malicious forest that infects people into being murderers.


2) A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1) by Sarah J Maas


I am a big fan of beauty and the beast rewrites and this is one of my favorites. Sarah J Mass just brings a lot of spunk and sensuality into the story. Her writing is just beautiful. This book also may be considered new adult.


  1. Uprooted by Naomi Novik

So this book was a gem among gems. It was the second book of 2015 I read about a sentient malicious forest, the other was Crimson Bound. I had never read a book with this type of 'evil' before but both books were spectacular and very different, and coincidentally two of my favorite books this far this year.

I'd actually go so far as to call this book the best epic fantasy book I've found since Daughter of the Forest by Juliette Marilier (maybe even better).

This novel was incredible. Almost perfect. The narrative, voice, pace, style, it was all flawlessly delivered.

The protagonist was one of my favorite literary characters ever. I was pretty much sold from the beginning but there's a scene pretty early on where she's pressured by the very mixed hero of the book who is titled the 'dragon' he keeps pressuring her to beautify herself but she defies him and says 'she doesn't owe him pretty.' It sounds way more trite with me writing it but I just loved that. That wasn't the only great thing about the MC, she grew as a person but never to please anyone really. She just rocked, 100%.

This book was tame in sexual content and violence. It was just amazing. Not to be Missed.




So there is my list, if you would like to add yours please comment below.

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text 2015-06-03 17:05



I can’t even with this book?! Where to even start with this epic book?! Can we just talk about how badass and HOT all these characters are?! I mean Tamlin, Lucien, Fayre, RHYSAND. *swoons* Sarah J Maas knows how to deliver a hell of a fantasy novel! I went into this book not knowing much about it at all only that it was going to be sort of like a Beauty and the Beast retelling and if I’m being completely honest I was just dying to get my hands on anything that Maas was currently writing. (Especially after a lot of my bookish friends were raving about it!!) I mean… the fact that she had SEVEN HIGH LORDS, Lord of the rings anyone? Eh, eh?! I loved that! I loved how DESCREPTIVE and SPECIFIC she was with that fucking curse, LIKE COME ON!!!! Feyre’s character development was so freaking amazing! I mean we have her in the beginning just trying everything and anything she can to try and go back home to her family and no matter how much Tamlin tries to court her she just won’t give in! She’s so damn stubborn and the fact that she had rather spend time with Lucien instead of Tamlin was doing me in! Haha! It sucked so bad that they couldn’t just straight up tell her about that damn curse! Watching her grow from the beginning to the end was fantastic!! I was also totally not expecting her to become one of the High Fae, so when that happened I flipped and squealed with happiness, like holy fucking shit! HELL YEAH, this is going to make this story so much more kick ass, because if she was already a badass you know she’s going to be even more in the upcoming books and then having a SEXY High Lord by her side?! Maas is going to KILL ME. *Swoons Forever*I also really liked how Lucien and Feyre’s friendship turned out even if he couldn’t do much he still tried so hard for her! For a minute when Amarantha put Feyre to kill those three fearies and she said it was two young males and a woman I had a bad feeling they were going to be Alis and her two nephews you should have seen my relief when I realized I was wrong. As much as I loved all the others there was one person I’m so freaking intrigued to know more about… RHYSAND! Holy guacamole, I don’t fully understand what his motives are or what he’s really trying to achieve but I just can’t hate him right now because even if he made a devils deal, he actually HELPED Feyre so, so much and when he needed some peace & quiet he actually went to HER, I mean come on!! A guy who is “evil” and “bad” doesn’t just go on and do… THAT. BUT… but… I also can’t say I love him either because like I said I STILL DON’T KNOW WHAT HIS MOTIVES ARE and I’m dying to know what made him look at Feyre the way he did when he went to say goodbye to her. UGHH. In the beginning I really disliked Nesta! Feyre was the youngest of them all and she was the one providing for her family so they wouldn’t starve to death and her sisters and father wouldn’t do SHIT to help her! But man oh man did I get the surprise of my life when we realized Nesta was never fooled by Tamlin’s glamour, my jaw dropped! HER character development was very shocking, very emotional that I had tears in my eyes, finally big sister taking care of little sister, I loved that! I love how sometimes this story was slow but never ever boring, everything that Maas wrote about had a point in the story… I loved how she incorporated those Bogge things, they kind of reminded me of dementors! It’s like she took something from all these fantasy stories and made it all her own AND IT FLIPPIN’ WORKS FOR HER. I’m so, so excited to continue with this amazing series and I cannot wait to have book two in my hands waiting until next year will possibly be the death of me! So torturous!!!!

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