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Discussion: Random Babble
posts: 15 views: 693 last post: 10 years ago
created by: Jessica (HDB)
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What is everyone doing with their day today? I've been trying to sit in read, but instead have succeeded in eating ice cream, and messing around on here :).
Caught up on a lot of Transformers comics. Yay! Porn! So I pretty much just read porn in public at restaurants :D
Reply to post #16 (show post):

Sounds delicious. I have spent the day trying to recover from A Tale for the Time Being. Not very successful - could not focus on anything, but then did manage to do some house work, and prepare for the week ahead.
I'm currently lamenting the fact that tomorrow is Monday, so props to you BrokenTune for actually getting things ready for the week ahead :).

Yay Grim! Isn't it awesome that you can get away with that? LOL.
My entire weekend revolved around helping build this reading nook in our spare room. Even though it was a crap ton of manual labor on my two days off, it was actually kind of fun. We're about 75% done with all the building and painting, and next comes the best part.....decorating! I'll be so thrilled to be able to cozy up in there with a good book soon enough.
I am TOTALLY jealous Tricia! That's so cool!
Reply to post #19 (show post):

Yes, yes it is. People were like, oh, TF comics. And I was like *smirk* you have no idea.

Almost caught up on MTMtE, which is good because on the eighteenth the Combiner Wars start. Yay! (Have to double check and make sure I'm subscribed to everything that involves, although I'm 99% sure I am!)
Me: I'm not going to buy books until my birthday if I can help it, so I can save money to blow on my b-day. On books. To make it special.

Comixology's response? Sale until the seventeenth on Transformers comics.


It's one of those love/hate things. I need to replace Monstrosity since I managed to water-damage issue three - boo - and I'm eyeing GI Joe/TF which I'm not sure I want. (Too many meatbags. Ugh. Hate it when those get in the way of more robot page time -_-)
Reply to post #20 (show post):

Wow. That sounds fabulous. It might have been a lot of work but just think how amazing it will feel when you get to hang out in your own reading nook.

Reply to post #23 (show post):

Good plan to make you birthday special - and rightly so. Are there any particular books you're looking to get?
Reply to post #25 (show post):

Some Atomic Robo volumes on comixology, along with GotG volume one, and a Vision one-shot.

I'm also looking at Love in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, the Runaway Robot, the Complete Allspark Almanac, I Heart Robot and The Brass Man. Might look into others, too.

However, I also really want the Allspark Almanac in paperback as it's an art book.
Reply to post #24 (show post):

It was a lot of work but it's really coming along and will be awesome once it's completely finished! Seriously like please address all my Hogwarts mail to the Nook in the spare room lol. I'll post some pictures tomorrow!
STILL JEALOUS TRICIA. I want a reading nook, or at the very least I want a window seat :).
Yes, I can't wait to see a picture of it. :)

So disappointed. I was looking forward to this book. Luckily, Amazon makes it super easy to replace. I sent them an image just in case, though.

It was the complete Allspark Almanac.

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