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Discussion: Random Babble
posts: 15 views: 692 last post: 10 years ago
created by: Jessica (HDB)
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Oh no Grim!
Reply to post #31 (show post):

Finally got the picture working. And I know. I was so excited, and given a lot of other depression issues, including me feeling more and more detached, and it getting harder and harder to feel much excitement, this was a big thing for me. (Sad, I know.)

Anyway, yeah :(

The corner is all bent. I feel like curling into a ball and crying, but I know the reaction in the room will be sarcasm and cannot handle that right now. Must not cry until alone. Must not cry until alone.
That's a bummer Grim :( Like you said though, Amazon is the bees knees and they'll take care of it right away. We had a misstep with Amazon right before Christmas time, they said they shipped an order that never came....we emailed them about it and within a few hours they solved the issue. I hope you have the same speedy response!
Oh and since I'm a dummy and can't figure out how to post my personal photos on here, I'm just going to post some on my page of the nook if you peeps want to check them out!
I should have the book by Sunday - the new book. Thinking of sending my old one after the new one comes, because I have thirty days, and I want to make sure the new one is in good condition. Ugh, it's just a total bummer.

Yay, hi Char!
Reply to post #36 (show post):

Hi. *waves back*
Hi Grim, you did get your replacement book, right?
I did and the second was in much better condition - near perfect. Have been reading it slowly. Once I finish my epic BR, I'll start reading it more quickly.
Reply to post #36 (show post):

Welcome to the madness. The discussions are a little wonky because the replies don't show up underneath the original posts like most commenting platforms but you'll get used to it!
Hi Char!!!! *waves madly*
New topic: Bookish bathing suits. I want one. Someone want to help me find one? :D
Reply to post #44 (show post):

So do you ever not like a character for, um, not being another character? I struggled with disliking a character all through a graphic novel, and then realized her only sin was not being another character whom she was replacing (as a business partner.) But it was really confusing me until I figured that out, so I'm wondering if this has ever happened to anyone else.
I get what you're saying and I feel that I've done that with both books and TV shows.
Need help?