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Discussion: Asshat Updates
posts: 15 views: 69761 last post: 10 years ago
created by: Indie Angie
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Ahhh...so nice that you can always count on the non-stop whining from BBAs! I'm convinced my world would tilt off its axis should these dumbshits actually do anything different, at this point. ;o)

Merry Xmas, y'all!!! Be careful as you travel!!
Tina ~ Your diagnosis of Rick is spot on. Anybody who gives him any money for that review website would do better to toss it in the trash. At least that way there's a chance someone deserving might find it and do some good with it.

Hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing Christmas day.
RE #509 -- I BL blogged about it, Shelby, with some SS. It's not fancy, but it's got some info.


WTF Alert!

(hide spoiler) I was reading this blog about Sharon Baker who claims she was attacked by a disgruntled author. I thought I'd be supportive of her plight, but WTF? She tracked down the reviewers then claimed one was a prostitute from reports she'd read. WTF?

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(hide spoiler) As a recap, she published a book, received one star reviews she felt were lies, contacted Ammy, they wouldn't help her, so she proceeded to stalk the reviewers to threaten them into removing the reviews. Even after these people removed their reviews, she leaves up their names and info (including the prostitution claim) to smear them. Oh, but she's right and the person who paid for the fake reviews is a sick individual. WTF?

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Spammer, Whiner and Sock Puppeter Tony McFadden is now an officially approved STGRB asshat:

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The link on the screenshot you are seeing is one to his website where he posted a whole list of GR users, everyone actually, who one-starred his crapsterpiece.
Reply to post #513 (show post):

Haha! Why am I not surprised that he found the perfect place to whine. Too bad he arrived after they declared victory. ;)
Reply to post #513 (show post):

Geez, way to not understand the problem, McFadden - the harm that's been done is thanks to your own twitter and blog posts - your own words are causing this ripple effect, and it's nothing GR can fix. All of this is now going to be the introduction of the McFadden name to a whole bunch of new "nope, not going to read you now" readers, not to mention the joy of the google cache. And I'm not saying that in a "nyah nyah" tone - I'm completely facepalming at how this did not occur to him.

I'm constantly curious at how authors who seem to understand something about publishing in an ebook era still don't get the idea of PR and how their own words will live on via search engines. Not to mention - there is a way to move on, if you post thoughtful words of apology. If the author understands people and the concept of what an apology is, in order to be able to write that.
Reply to post #517 (show post):

obviously he doesn't think he did anything to be ashamed of, because he keeps doing it! :face palm:
I made into the SS, do I get a prize?
And so many more for the Never Ever list.
Wow, hate mentality much? I honestly have no idea what they're talking about. Are they accusing 'us' the 'bullies' of behaving like a pack? Like we have no identity and opinions of our own? Like we're some organised gang? That's the complete opposite of what actually happens.

These people are so scared and small minded.
Interesting enough, one of her recent posts is titled 'minions assemble' to help promote an author. Talk about pack mentality.
Hey y'all! Hope everyone had a great holiday and new year! Can someone catch me up or provide some links on McFadden? I must have missed some stuff? No big surprise there, though. :-/
Reply to post #523 (show post):

Hey Jane, welcome back *waves*

Nawh, you didn´t miss much. Business as usual in butthurt land.

Here are some links re Tony McFadden, should be in chronological order & cover everything so far.
Happy reading.






This author is giving fair warning she will go after anyone who disparages her books in the same manner she would defend her children.
Why can't these people tell the difference between animate and inanimate objects?

Last edited by the author 1 hour ago
Sandra Martinez says:
I don´t care. If someone touches a hair of my kids, better start running. And about my books... thankfully I haven´t seen it happen, but I don´t think it will be much different. Especially because they can´t defend themselves.

Shoulds or should nots do not matter. That is how it is for me. And I do not think I´m alone in that boat

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