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Discussion: Asshat Updates
posts: 15 views: 69769 last post: 10 years ago
created by: Indie Angie
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Reply to post #546 (show post):

Yeah, I don't buy it either. Dude is crazy invested in 'the cause'. lol. Someone linked to ss's of his last four posts and...wow. Four posts in four days and they're all insanely long, rambling and barely coherent.

Oh and the best part? In one of those long, rambling posts he's telling other people to they need to 'get lives' and they 'have too much time on their hands'. That cracked me up. ;)

Now I'm going back to ignoring his crazy. Whether he stops or not.
Reply to post #542 (show post):

That's fucking awesome!
Reply to post #546 (show post):

That guy loves the sound of his own voice too much to delete any of it. We should be so lucky.
Another comment on Rick´s blog speaking out against STGRB

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That post that he's quite excited about, the one where he posted the yelp business - I'm failing to see why it's a landslide event... There was a high court case about trolls (or something) which sites 'first amendment' redundancy in the ruling (or something) and anonymity on the internet is going to be against the rules now (or something).

Personally I don't have any first amendment rights here and don't want to carry guns anyway so I'm not too bothered....

Unless... - Is America the boss of me now? I wish someone had told me. I missed the memo.

Seriously Rick, under which rock where you hiding the last two years or so?

Is STGRB Breaking The Law?, Jan 15, 2013 by Rickydick Carufel

(hide spoiler) http://ctrlq.org/files/screenshots/indie-publishing.blogspot.com.f0f9a94d670949b0102e2cda22377f7f.png

We've established that Melissa Douthit is actually Athena Parker who in turn is the entire staff of STGRB.

The site has been expose as just a hate site run by Melissa to persecute her critics and goodreads. I've also noticed the plea for donations through Paypal is back up. It was gone for a while, shortly after I had complained to Paypal about the website collecting donations under false pretenses with the account set up using an online alias.

I contend that what Melissa is doing is fraud. Specifically stating that the fund is set up to hire IP lawyers because many authors can't afford them.

There is no doubt that the site has posted attack after attack on members of goodreads who have been critical of Douthit's work. This verifies the site is a hate site that persecutes anyone who is critical of Melissa.

Even people who are supposed to be her allies.

So it's an established fact the site is a hate group. all the proof one would need is the read the posts and look at here hit list of targeted people.

With that established the question arises is she committing fraud by accepting donating under false pretenses?

It clearly violates the Paypal TOS to collect donation for hate groups and STGRB is a hate group.

The Paypal fraud team are investigating the matter. I have been told that if they deem she is in violation of there TOS they will remove the donations button and the account. They have also told me that if what she has been doing would be considered fraud they will contact the proper authorities and make a complaint.

So lets see if they remove the button. If they deem her in violation of any laws that will be grounds to at least get the website taken down and possibly result in criminal charges.

On another note I am sure all my readers the pros and cons are going to enjoy this next bit. This is the email she sent me after she turned on Pervy Loon. The fact that she kicked him from her secret facebook groups, where she has continued to make false allegation about me using sock puppets after she turned on me a few months ago, and blocked his IP from STGRB, that was not enough for her.

This goes to show that wonderful, sympathetic, always helpful persona of Athena is a farce. She had the nerve to email me, her sworn enemy to denigrate and betray Pervy Loon even further by sending what she hoped would be information that would make Pervy Loon and myself enemies.

This just show what a back-biting petty, vindictive troll Melissa is and how she tried to fool everyone into thinking she just trying to help everyone.

From the start I didn't trust her, her attack on GR members and the troll attacks on authors were no different. And it's easy to see that she is playing all the members of the so-called GR staff as well as several of the regular posters.

I think that is good that the real agenda of STGRB is revenge has come to light. The email above just proves what a vengeful vindictive trolls she really is..
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* Choose one of the above and repeat until you feel better. I'm going for eyeroll because it doesn't hurt as much.

But he doesn't need Melissa now anyway, cuz he's got his new BFF, Anne Rice to help him with his crusade.
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I am ... amused? What is this Sandra, who?, talking about?

OK, got it now after looking at her screenshots. So Martinez is going after reviewers at two different book sites, making screenshots and then whine about when people independently from each other come to the conclusion they dont want to read her books, or support her in any way. Oh noes! Must be a traveling pack of meanies, a conspiracy of some sorts, and a "head" who is organizing everything. Yeah, I have heard this one before, and it´s still nonsense. Sorry to disappoint.

Dear Sandra, 15 minutes ago I didn´t even know you exist. You are simply not important in my world.

*shakes head and walks away*
Reply to post #559 (show post):

But it will soon have a five star review from Anne Rice.
I wonder why the Queen of Sock Puppets is posting with two different accounts at the MOA forum over at Ammy? Will Annie be offended? Will Rick yell StalkerHaterTroll at her? And why does the QoSP not openly declare that she is using two accts? So many questions...

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Melissa Doutshit posted a new blog post over at the Idiots & Clowns blog:

Yeap. That´s it. I kid you not. And yes, Melissa does refer to herself in an "Anon" comment as "Dumb & Dumber".

She has a point.
Melissa's setting the record straight. Wink. Wink.

She's nice. Others are bad. She never did anything wrong ever. Everyone else is a liar. She's awesome. Other people are jealous of her. She's in the running for sainthood. Mean people are mean. You know the drill.

Reply to post #564 (show post):

And let us not mention the 40 sock puppet accounts a certain someone created at Absolute Write. Guess who is banned there b/c reasons? And guess who is totally so not hating the very same forum at her so totally not hate blog?
Reply to post #568 (show post):

Look what I have found. Another anon posted the same Doutshit link on Rick´s blog, but seems to have a slightly different interpretation than the one over at F & G. lol

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Reply to post #568 (show post):

I'm proud of Melissa for speaking out using her author name. She's terribly brave that way.

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