I'll do that now...
Done. Hopefully that should tie all our updates together under the book club page.
Reply to post #26
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I prefer The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes as a canon, but this is my favourite of the longer works. My very favourite I think is A Scandal in Bohemia. :)
Reply to post #26
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I liked it but I think I liked some of the earlier works a lot more. Plus I definitely had some issues with parts of it. I haven't read the later works yet and I don't remember the earlier ones well enough to point to a favourite though (or a top 5).
It's a fun read, and a fun re-read, though it's not my favorite Sherlock Holmes. (That would be the Adventures.)
Obsidian, it's not in my top five, either; I don't rate it nearly as high as many Holmes fans do. I think my top five ranking is:
Study in Scarlet
Sign of Four
Hound of the Baskervilles is probably no higher than sixth, speaking personally.