Reply to post #82
(show post):
What really amazes me is that it's not just the main cast: minor characters who are deaf, etc. And I agree completely about the comics, but you look at Beast Machines - a TV show aimed at adults - or the Transformers comics, and Transformers did the same thing: catered to the kids who had nostalgia. Did more adult, more complex things that went deeper, character wise and plot wise.
I'm not ready to talk anyone, even online, but I don't usually do that for my fandoms. I'm one of those who want to read the material, read analysis of it, and then be left alone: I don't really care about the actors, to be honest. I care about the thing. The thing and what it represents and means. I'm not the majority of fandom in that way, but, y'know...
And I'm enjoying the show for what it is. I still want to punch something when Rita laughs, and Alpha's Ay-yi-yis make me want to punch him* but overall, I like how positive this show is. I think if you take apart anything you can find flaws/ways they misrepresent, but this show at least seems to be focusing on people as people rather than color/race/sex, and I like /that./
Also, the bullies are white. Especially for a show that's progressive, in this time, that's important to me. If you look at Buffy's 'black dudes are bad' or Firefly's erasure of the Asian population, even so-called progressive shows nowadays can have really bad track records and relocate PoC as the bullies. Both here appear to be white, and it's a small thing that adds into the way they treat, well, everyone in this show.
Yeah, Power Rangers. I though it was just mindless, and probably not the best thing to show your kids. But really it's not as bad as I'd thought and probably a really great thing to show your kids. Positive messages, representation... and robots, of course. And I like that it's not all robots punching each other. II mean, sure, I'd watch it for an hour - or two or three, as Michael Bay proved to me - but I like when there's more to it - and the focus is equally on the personal issues, the Power Rangers helping normal kids with normal problems, as on the robots punching each other. (Sometimes it's more on those normal problems than the punching, and I think veers that way, in fact.)
So, I'm gonna bitch a little about the cheesiness. Not that I look down on people who like it. (Because some people do, and that's completely fine.) But I honestly have always leaned towards the less cheesy, deeper characterizations, etc. Not all the time, but usually. So the only real reason for me not loving this show is just personality conflict. (And if I'd seen the show as a kid, I'd probably love the hell out of it. I only didn't because I'm guessing my parents assumed it was too boyish for me, and even if they hadn't, there'd be too much violence for them to want me to watch it. They were really careful about that, especially when I was a kid.)
But, yeah, Power Rangers. I'd have never thought I'd be into Power Rangers and I am totally into the comics.
*You've failed if you've made me want to punch a robot. Do you know how super annoying they have to be to make me want to do that?